书林辟径——邂逅生命中挚爱的书 ▪ 新东方双语书话译丛_AZW3_MOBI_EPUB_唐静


Of Books 论 书 Michel de Montaigne 蒙田 作者简介 蒙田(Michel de Montaigne,1533—1592),文艺复兴时期最有影响力的法国作家之一,欧洲近代散文的创始人,代表作为晚年所著的《蒙田随笔》(Essays )。 在《蒙田随笔》中,蒙田几乎无所不谈,日常生活、传统习俗、人生哲理等均有涉及,他还旁征博引了许多古希腊、古罗马作家的论述。各章篇幅长短不一,文章结构随意自然,文字平易通畅,语言生动睿智。该书与《培根人生论》(Bacon's Essays )和《帕斯卡尔思想录》(Pascal's Pensées )一起,被誉为欧洲近代哲理散文三大经典。 本文选自1575年出版的《蒙田随笔》中关于阅读的篇目。除了感受散文之美,读者还可领略蒙田本人评价甚高的小说、诗歌、史论,以及“阅读时遇到困难,从不死钻牛角尖”的风采。 I seek, in the reading of books, only to please myself by an honest diversion; or, if I study, it's for no other science than what treats of the knowledge of myself, and instructs me how to die and how to live well. I do not bite my nails about the difficulties I meet with in my reading; after a charge or two, I give them over. Should I insist upon them, I should both lose myself and time; for I have an impatient understanding, that must be satisfied at first: what I do not discern at once is by persistence rendered more obscure. I do nothing without gaiety; continuation and a too obstinate endeavour, darkens,......

  1. 书名页
  2. 前 言
  3. 目录
  4. 第一章 读之抉择
    1. Reading 论读书
    2. The Choice of Books 择书之道
    3. Part of a Man's Life: Books Unread 人生必经之途:未读之书
    4. Books Within Books 书中书
    5. The Art of Reading 阅读的艺术
    6. The Books in My Life 我一生中的书
    7. Pillow Books 枕边书
    8. Why Read the Classics? 为何阅读经典?
    9. A Picture Book Is Worth a Thousand Words 一册绘本抵千字
  5. 第二章 读之妙方
    1. Of Books 论 书
    2. The Summing Up 写作回忆录
    3. The Etiquette of Talking Back 回应的礼节
    4. Reading 谈阅读
    5. How to Enjoy the Classics 如何欣赏经典
    6. The Aporia of Reading 阅读的困境
    7. Literary Gluttony —How to Consume More Books This Year 文学饕餮——今年如何多消化些书
  6. 第三章 读之艺术
    1. Detached Thoughts on Books and Reading 读书漫谈
    2. The American Scholar 论美国学者
    3. Marginalia 旁注之美
    4. Reading 阅 读
    5. How Should One Read a Book? 应该如何读书?
    6. The Art of Reading 读书的艺术