GRE词汇精选▪ 新东方出国考试图书系列_AZW3_MOBI_EPUB_俞敏洪


Word List 20 音频 superstructure ['su:pərstrʌktʃər ] n. 上层建筑(an entity, concept, or complex based on a more fundamental one);上层构造(a structure built as a vertical extension of sth. else) 例 Ultimately, the book's credibility is strained; the slender, though far from nonexistent, web of evidence presented on one salient point is expected to support a vast superstructure of implications. supplant [sə'plænt ] v. 排挤,取代(to supersede by force or treachery) 记 词根记忆:sup(下面) + plant(种植) → 在下面种植 → 排挤,取代 例 When railroads first began to supplant rivers and canals as highways of commerce, they were regarded as blessings and their promoters were looked upon as benefactors. supple ['sʌpl ] adj. 柔软的,灵活的(readily adaptable or responsive to new situations);柔顺的,顺从的 同 flexible, limber, pliable supplement ['sʌplɪmənt ] n. 增补,补充(sth. that completes or makes an addition) v. 增补(to add or serve as a supplement to) 记 联想记忆:supple(=supply提供) + ment → 提供补充 → 增补,补充 例 Supporters of the proposed waterway argue that it will......

  1. 如何使用本书
  2. 核心词汇
    1. Word List 1
    2. Word List 2
    3. Word List 3
    4. Word List 4
    5. Word List 5
    6. Word List 6
    7. Word List 7
    8. Word List 8
    9. Word List 9
    10. Word List 10
    11. Word List 11
    12. Word List 12
    13. Word List 13
    14. Word List 14
    15. Word List 15
    16. Word List 16
    17. Word List 17
    18. Word List 18
    19. Word List 19
    20. Word List 20
    21. Word List 21
    22. Word List 22
  3. 拓展词汇
    1. Word List 23
    2. Word List 24
    3. Word List 25
    4. Word List 26
    5. Word List 27
    6. Word List 28
    7. Word List 29
    8. Word List 30
    9. Word List 31
    10. Word List 32
    11. Word List 33
    12. Word List 34
    13. Word List 35
    14. Word List 36
    15. Word List 37
    16. Word List 38
    17. Word List 39
    18. Word List 40
    19. Word List 41
    20. Word List 42
  4. 附录:数学词汇
  5. 附录二