一派书心——缘何此生只爱书 ▪ 新东方双语书话译丛_AZW3_MOBI_EPUB_唐静


My Books 我的书 Thomas Cooper 托马斯・库珀 作者简介 托马斯・库珀(Thomas Cooper,1805—1892),英国作家和宪章运动成员。他出生于一个织工家庭,未受过正规教育,但通过自学掌握了希腊文、拉丁文和希伯来文。他后来开办私人学校,独辟蹊径地教授拉丁语等冷门学科。他常年为报纸撰稿,60多岁时完成自传《托马斯.库珀的一生》(The Life of Thomas Cooper )。 本文即节选于1872年出版的这本自传。在书中,库珀讲述了自己的阅读体验。跟随他回忆的步伐,我们既畅游了卷帙浩繁的书海,又见识了大方友善的长者,更了解了库珀深厚的阅读积淀。在惊叹其读书破万卷之余,我们不由地折服于阅读的魅力——书让旧时光鲜活,兴味永存。 My friendship with Whillock had been the means of procuring me an introduction to one whose counsel was of far higher value to me, and whose intelligence was far superior to that of any acquaintanceship I had yet formed in the world. John Hough was a draper, had been married and fixed in business for a year or so when I first knew him, and was eight years older than myself. His father, Vincent Hough, was an old established tradesman in Gainsborough, and was one of the deacons of the Independent church. My new friend, therefore, had been brought up as a dissenter; and he had very decided views and opinions on nonconformity and dissent, while he was a strong p......

  1. 前 言
  2. 第一章 书之赞歌
    1. My Books 我的书
    2. Childhood Memory 儿时回忆
    3. My Bondage and My Freedom 我的枷锁与我的自由
    4. The Duty of Owning Books 藏书的责任
    5. A Book That Brings Solace and Cheer 带来安慰和愉悦的书
    6. On Reading 关于读书
    7. How to Read a Book 如何阅读
  3. 第二章 前尘书缘
    1. From a Child I Was Fond of Reading 自幼爱读书
    2. On Reading Old Books 论读旧书
    3. My Books 我的书
    4. Books for Holidays in the Open 假日书趣
    5. Thank You, Miss Gray 谢谢你,格蕾小姐
    6. The Autobiography of Malcolm X 马尔科姆•艾克斯自传
    7. The Special Joys of Super-slow Reading “超慢阅读”的异趣
    8. What's Right About Reading 阅读的要义
    9. Books: The Sweet Nectar of Life 书:生活的甘露
  4. 第三章 书人琐记
    1. The Mill on the Floss 弗洛斯河上的磨坊
    2. The Last of His Race 最后的藏书家
    3. Talking of Old Books 谈谈老书
    4. Bibliomaniacs 藏书狂
    5. Bush Is a Book Lover 小布什爱读书
    6. Buried in Books 埋首书堆
    7. The Silent-Reading Party 默读派对