

参考文献 BIBLIOGRAPHY ‘A brief history of TrueType’ (Microsoft Corporation, 1997) TIM AHRENS & SHOKO MUGIKURA, Size-Specific Adjustments to Type Designs: an Investigation of The Principles Guiding the Design of Optical Sizes (Munich: Just Another Foundry, 2014) JUAN J. ARRAUSI, Metodología en el diseño de la letra: concepto, investigación y realización (Basel: Schule für Gestaltung, 1996) PHIL BAINES & ANDREW HASLAM, Type and Typography (London: Laurence King, 2002) ALAN BARTRAM & JAMES SUTTON, An Atlas of Typeforms (2nd edition)(Hartfordshire: Wordsworth Editions, 1988) FERNAND BAUDIN & JOHN DREYFUS(EDS .), Dossier A-Z 1973 (Ardenne: Remy Magermans – ATypI, 1973) FERNAND BAUDIN, How Typography Works (and Why it is Important) (London: Lund Humphries Publishers, 1989) CHARLES BIGELOW & PAUL HAYDEN DUENSING(EDS .), Fine Print on Type: The Best of Fine Print Magazine on Type and Typography (San Francisco: Fine Print, Bedford Arts, 1989) ROBERT BRINGHURST, The Elements of Typographic Style (Vancouver: Hartley & Marks, 1992) HARRY CARTER, A View of Early Typography: Up to About 1660 (London: Hyphen Press, 2002) ROB CARTER & BEN DAY & PHILIP MEGGS, Typographic Design: Form and Communication (New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1985) EDWARD M. CATICH, The Origin of the Serif (Davenport, Iowa: St Ambrose University 1968) SANDRA CHAMARET & JULIEN GINESTE & SÉBASTIEN MORLIGHEM, Roger Excoffon et la Fonderie Olive (Paris: Ypsilon Editeur, 2010) KAREN CHENG, Designing Type (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2016) EWAN CLAYTON, The Golden Thread: The History of Writing (London: Atlantic Books, 2013) FRANCESCO CRESCI, Essemplare di Più Sorti Lettere (Rome, 1560) HERBERT JOHNSON & ARCHIBALD PROVAN & PATRICIA COST, ‘Linn Boyd Benton Morris Fuller Benton, and type making at ATF’ in Printing History vol. xvi, no. 1/2(American Printing Association, 1994) WIM CROUWEL, New Alphabet: an Introduction for a Programmed Typography (Amsterdam: Total Design, 1967) CEES DE JONG & JAN THOLENAAR, A Visu......

  1. 封面
  2. 插图
  3. “国际文字设计智库”编辑缘起
  4. “国际文字设计智库”编委会
  5. 推荐语
  6. 前言
  7. 第1章 创作动机
  8. 第2章 书写、书法、绘图和字体设计
  9. 第3章 过程和方法
  10. 第4章 数字化
  11. 第5章 字间距
  12. 第6章 文字设计的程序
  13. 第7章 作为软件的文字设计
  14. 第8章 字体的销售
  15. 第9章 观点
  16. 术语表
  17. 参考文献
  18. 译后记