东方草木之美(北大教授刘华杰力荐,珍贵大英图书馆博物画,从曹雪芹、白居易和松尾芭蕉等名家的文笔中认识“留洋”的亚洲植物) (未读·探索家)_AZW3_MOBI_EPUB_西莉亚·费希尔


图片说明 如无特别标注,文中所有图片均来自大英图书馆馆藏文献(按页码顺序排列)。 和伞下凋谢的樱花 Umbrellas over the faded cherry tree blossoms. Ryūkō meibutsushi [Noted Products of the Willow Street], illustrations by Kabocha Sōen, 1834. 16099.cc.86. 黄蔷薇(局部) Yellow rose, watercolour by a Chinese artist (detail), c. 1800. NHD 56, Vol.3, f.31. 一座种满郁金香和开花树的花园中,参观者络绎不绝 Ottoman display of sugar gardens with tulips and blossom trees during the procession of 1720. Topkapi Sarayi Museum. 《云台献瑞》 Chinese Daoist ‘searching for immortality’ pavilions among mountains. Yuntai Xianrui [A Keepsake from the Cloud], 18th century. Add. 22689, f.6. 黑天神克里希那和爱人罗陀在印度的胡里节上起舞 Krishna and Radha dancing in spring for the festival of Holi, c. 1760. J.37.6. 佛教中的圣林喜马万塔 Buddhist Himavanta, the heavenly forest and lotus lake, from a Burmese Buddhist Cosmology, 19th century. Or.14004, f.35r. 《医师的决斗》 ‘The Physician's Duel’, from the Khamsa of Nizami, Tabriz 1539–43. Or.2265, f.26v. 克什米尔公主和她的女官在花园里 The princess of Kashmir with her women in the garden, Sinbadnama [Story of Sinbad], Persian, c. 1575. I.O. Islamic 3214, f.119v. 为巴布尔大帝布置位于喀布尔的忠诚花园 Laying out Babur's Garden of Fidelity in Kabul, Baburnama [Memoirs of Babur], Mughal, 1590–93. Or. 3714, f.173b. 乾隆下江南微服私访时去过的园林 Album of the Stations of Qianlong's Journey to the South, 18th century. Or.12895, f.22. 中国富商花园图 Garden of a wealthy Chinese merchant. Watercolour, 1800–05. Add. Or.2127. 《堀川夜讨》 From Horikawa Youchi [The night attack at Horikawa], 1640–80. Or.12468, f.25v. 《男踏歌》 From Otoko dōka [Men's Stomping Dances], compiled by Asakusa Ichihito, illustrated by Chōbunsai Eishi, Katsushika Hokusai and others, 1798. 16099.c.84. 罂粟 Poppy. Chinese painting from the Hastings Albums, 19th century. Add. Or.521. 阿拉伯金合欢 Acacia nilotica. William Roxburgh, Plants of the Coast of Coromandel, 1795–1819. 10.Tab.34, Vol.2, f.149 蜀葵 Alcea rosa (Hollyhock). Sultan Sanjay and the old woman, Khamsa of Nizami, Tabriz 1539–43. Or.2265, f.18. 老鸦瓣 Amana edulis (edible tulip). Kai [Vocabulary of Flowers], compiled......

  1. 信息
  2. 引子 花园的历史
  3. 绽放在西方的73种亚洲植物
  4. 金合欢
  5. 蜀葵
  6. 老鸦瓣
  7. 璎珞木
  8. 艾草
  9. 羊蹄甲
  10. 木棉
  11. 山茶
  12. 日本木瓜
  13. 蜡梅
  14. 柑橘
  15. 香橼
  16. 铁线莲
  17. 风铃草
  18. 番红花
  19. 姜黄
  20. 中国地生兰
  21. 榴梿
  22. 刺桐
  23. 连翘
  24. 贝母
  25. 栀子花
  26. 嘉兰
  27. 萱草
  28. 木槿
  29. 玉簪
  30. 绣球
  31. 木蓝
  32. 牵牛
  33. 鸢尾
  34. 大花茉莉(素馨)
  35. 白花山柰
  36. 百合
  37. 荔枝
  38. 木兰
  39. 苹果
  40. 杧果
  41. 野牡丹
  42. 桑树
  43. 香蕉
  44. 水仙
  45. 猪笼草
  46. 夹竹桃
  47. 亚洲兰花
  48. 水稻
  49. 牡丹
  50. 人参
  51. 罂粟
  52. 泡桐
  53. 棕榈
  54. 胡椒
  55. 桔梗
  56. 李属植物
  57. 石榴
  58. 杜鹃
  59. 桃金娘
  60. 蔷薇
  61. 甘蔗
  62. 羊角拗
  63. 丁香
  64. 郁金香
  65. 紫玉盘
  66. 荚蒾
  67. 紫罗兰
  68. 葡萄藤
  69. 紫藤
  70. 图片说明
  71. 扩展阅读