

A Woman's Love Po Qin I went out of the eastern gate, And met by chance a handsome mate. To a sweet bower I was led; Undressed, I served him in the bed. We did not date 'neath mulberry; By the roadside our love was free. I was enchanted at his sight, My beauty gave him sweet delight. How to express our loving heart? Two golden bracelets for my part. How to express his gallantry? Two silver rings were given to me. How to express our feeling dear? Two bright pearls hanging from the ear. How to express feelings we nurse? Behind the elbow a perfume purse. How to express love in our tryst? Two jade bracelets around the wrist. How could I know our love won't fade? Silken girdles adorned with jade. How could I know our hearts unite? Two needles joined by a thread white. How could I know deep love within? My hair adorned with gold-foiled pin. How to console our parting drear? The turtle pin behind the ear. How to remember our delight? A silken robe with three fringes white. How to express the grief I bear. The white silk vest and underwear. How to forget old sorrow sweet? Far-going shoes upon his feet. Where did he have with me a date? East of the mountain did I wait. At dusk, oh! he did not come down, But the east wind ruffled my gown. I looked far, none did appear; At a loss, I shed tear on tear. Where did he have with me a date? South of the mountain did I wait. At noon, oh! he came not with zest, But the south wind ruffled my vest. I could not see him, far apart; Waiting for him would break my heart. When did he have with me a date? West of the mountain did I wait. At sunset he did not come by; I loitered and heaved a long sigh. Looking far, I felt the wind cold. And up and down my robe was rolled. Where did he have with me a date? North of the mountain did I wait. At nightfall he did not appear; My dress was ruffled by wind drear. Longing for him, I could not sit; My heart broken, could I keep fit? Why had he loved my person fair? For youth and beauty he did care. Had......

  1. 许渊冲译唐诗三百首:汉文、英文(上册)
    1. 封面
    2. 信息
    3. 目录
    4. 致敬译界巨匠许渊冲先生
    5. Translator’s Preface
    6. 一 写景抒怀 Man and Nature
      1. 春江花月夜
      2. The Moon over the River on a Spring Night
      3. 春晓
      4. A Spring Morning
      5. 晚泊浔阳望庐山
      6. Mount Lu Viewed from Xunyang at Dusk
      7. 终南望余雪
      8. Snow atop the Southern Mountains
      9. 青溪
      10. The Blue Stream
      11. 山居秋暝
      12. Autumn Evening In The Mountains
      13. 使至塞上
      14. On Mission to the Frontier
      15. 竹里馆
      16. The Bamboo Hut
      17. 辛夷坞
      18. The Magnolia Dale
      19. 蜀道难
      20. Hard is the Road to Shu
      21. 金陵城西楼月下吟
      22. Orally Composed on the Western Tower of Jinling in Moonlight
      23. 山中
      24. In the Hills
      25. 峨眉山月歌
      26. The Moon over Mount Brow
      27. 清溪行
      28. Song of the Clear Stream
      29. 望庐山瀑布
      30. The Waterfall in Mount Lu Viewed from Afar
      31. 日暮
      32. After Sunset
      33. 春夜喜雨
      34. Happy Rain on a Spring Night
      35. 江村
      36. The Riverside Village
      37. 绝句
      38. A Quatrain
      39. 枫桥夜泊
      40. Mooring by Maple Bridge at Night
      41. 江南行
      42. Song of the Southern Rivershore
      43. 春山夜月
      44. The Vernal Hill in Moonlit Night
      45. 兰溪棹歌
      46. A Fisherman’s Song on the Orchid Stream
      47. 江南曲
      48. A Southern Song
      49. 巫山曲
      50. Song of the Mountain Goddess
      51. 城东早春
      52. Early Spring East of the Capital
      53. 湘江曲
      54. Song on River Xiang
      55. 春雪
      56. Spring Snow
      57. 晚春
      58. Late Spring
      59. 始闻秋风
      60. Ode to the Autumn Breeze
      61. 钱塘湖春行
      62. On Qiantang Lake in Spring
      63. 杭州春望
      64. Spring View in Hangzhou
      65. 暮江吟
      66. Sunset and Moonrise on the River
      67. 溪居
      68. Living by the Brookside
      69. 雨后晓行独至愚溪北池
      70. The Northern Pool Visited Alone after the Rain at Dawn
      71. 雪晴晚望
      72. Evening View of a Snow Scene
      73. 江南春
      74. Spring on the Southern Rivershore
      75. 清明
      76. The Mourning Day
      77. 商山早行
      78. Early Departure on Mount Shang
      79. 宿骆氏亭寄怀崔雍崔衮
      80. For the Cui Brothers at Luo’s Pavilion
      81. 天涯
      82. The End of the Sky
    7. 二 咏物寄兴 Nature Poems
      1. 咏蝉
      2. The Cicada
      3. 感遇
      4. The Orchid
      5. 咏风
      6. The Breeze
      7. 咏柳
      8. The Willow
      9. 孤雁
      10. The Lonely Swan
      11. 燕子来舟中作
      12. To the Swallow Coming to My Boat
      13. 归雁
      14. To the North-flying Wild Geese
      15. 鸣筝
      16. The Golden Zither
      17. 隋宫燕
      18. Swallows in the Ruined Palace
      19. 观祈雨
      20. Praying for Rain
      21. 望夫石
      22. The Woman Waiting for Her Husband
      23. 牡丹
      24. To the Peony Flower
      25. 杨柳枝词
      26. Song of Willow Branch
      27. 惜牡丹花
      28. The Last Look at the Peonies at Night
      29. 大林寺桃花
      30. Peach Blossoms in the Temple of Great Forest
      31. 白云泉
      32. White Cloud Fountain
      33. 菊花
      34. Chrysanthemums
      35. 杨生青花紫石砚歌
      36. The Violet Inkstand of Master Yang
      37. 早雁
      38. To the Early Wild Geese
      39. 霜月
      40. Frost and Moon
      41. To the Cicada
      42. 落花
      43. Falling Flowers
      44. To the Willow Tree
      45. 鹦鹉
      46. To the Parrot
      47. 黄河
      48. The Yellow River
      49. 金钱花
      50. To the Coinlike Golden Flower
      51. To the Willow
      52. To the Bee
      53. 白莲
      54. White Lotus
      55. 题菊花
      56. To the Chrisanthemum
      57. 菊花
      58. The Chrysanthemum
      59. To the Cloud
      60. 子规
      61. To the Cuckoo
      62. To the Chrysanthemum
      63. 鹧鸪
      64. To the Partridges
      65. 海棠
      66. To the Crabapple Flower
      67. 小松
      68. The Young Pine
      69. 垂柳
      70. The Weeping Willow
      71. 早梅
      72. To the Early Mume Blossoms
    8. 三 赠别怀人 Farewell Poems
      1. 于易水送人一绝
      2. Farewell on River Yi
      3. 留别王维
      4. Parting from Wang Wei
      5. 送杜少府之任蜀州
      6. Farewell to Prefect Du
      7. 送别杜审言
      8. Farewell to Du Shenyan (Grandfather of Du Fu)
      9. 送杜十四之江南
      10. Seeing Du Fourteenth off to the East
      11. 送刘昱
      12. Farewell to Liu Yu
      13. 送魏万之京
      14. Seeing Wei Wan off to the Capital
      15. 送魏二
      16. Farewell to Wei the Second
      17. 芙蓉楼送辛渐
      18. Farewell to Xin Jian at Lotus Tower
      19. 送别
      20. At Parting
      21. 送梓州李使君
      22. Seeing Li off to Zizhou
      23. 送元二使安西
      24. Seeing Yuan the Second off to the Northwest Frontier
      25. 送秘书晁监还日本国
      26. Seeing Secretary Chao Back to Japan
      27. 闻王昌龄左迁龙标遥有此寄
      28. To Wang Changling Banished to the West
      29. 赠汪伦
      30. To Wang Lun
      31. 灞陵行送别
      32. Farewell at the Old Pavilion
      33. 黄鹤楼送孟浩然之广陵
      34. Seeing Meng Haoran off at Yellow Crane Tower
      35. 鲁郡东石门送杜二甫
      36. Farewell to Du Fu at Stone Gate
      37. 宣州谢眺楼饯别校书叔云
      38. Farewell to Uncle Yun, Imperial Librarian, at Xie Tiao’s Pavilion in Xuancheng
      39. 送友人入蜀
      40. To a Friend Parting for Shu
      41. 别董大
      42. Farewell to a Lutist
      43. 别韦参军
      44. Farewell to Wei, a Military Officer
      45. 送灵澈上人
      46. Seeing off a Recluse
      47. 送严士元
      48. Farewell to Yan Shiyuan
      49. 悲陈陶
      50. Lament on the Defeat at Chentao
      51. 春日忆李白
      52. Thinking of Li Bai on a Spring Day
      53. 轮台歌奉送封大夫出师西征
      54. Song of Wheel Tower in Farewell to General Feng on His Western Expedition
      55. 送李副使赴碛西官军
      56. Seeing General Li off to the West
      57. 古别离
      58. Leave Me Not
      59. 再授连州至衡阳酬柳柳州赠别
      60. Farewell to Liu Zongyuan in Exile
      61. 送友人
      62. Farewell to a Friend
      63. 赋得古原草送别
      64. Grass on the Ancient Plain in Farewell to a Friend
      65. 舟中读元九诗
      66. Reading Yuan Zhen’s Poems in a Boat
      67. 酬乐天频梦微之
      68. Dream and No Dream
      69. 重赠乐天
      70. Parting Again with Bai Juyi
      71. 寄扬州韩绰判官
      72. For Han Chuo, Judge of Yangzhou
      73. 宣州送裴坦判官往舒州,时牧欲赴官归京
      74. Farewell to Pei Tan, Judge of Xuancheng, upon Going Back to the Capital
      75. 别离
      76. Parting
      77. 送日本国僧敬龙归
      78. Farewell to a Japanese Monk
      79. 送友游吴越
      80. Seeing a Friend off to the South
      81. 山中
      82. In the Mountains
    9. 四 故园乡情 Homeland Poems
      1. 题大庾岭北驿
      2. At the Northern Post of the Peak of Mumes
      3. 回乡偶书二首
      4. Home-coming
      5. 渡汉江
      6. Crossing River Han
      7. 九月九日忆山东兄弟
      8. Thinking of My Brothers on Mountain-climbing Day
      9. 杂诗(其二)
      10. Our Native Place (II)
      11. 静夜思
      12. Thoughts on a Tranquil Night
      13. 寄东鲁二稚子
      14. For My Two Children in East Lu
      15. 春夜洛城闻笛
      16. Hearing the Flute on a Spring Night in Luoyang
      17. 除夜作
      18. Written on New Year’s Eve
      19. 月夜
      20. A Moonlit Night
      21. 春望
      22. Spring View
      23. 羌村三首(其一)
      24. Coming Back to Qiang Village (Ⅰ)
      25. 月夜忆舍弟
      26. Thinking of My Brothers on a Moonlit Night
      27. 逢入京使
      28. On Meeting a Messenger Going to the Capital
      29. 行军九日思长安故园
      30. Thinking of Home While Marching on Mountain-climbing Day
      31. 归雁
      32. To the Returning Wild Geese
      33. 喜外弟卢纶见宿
      34. My Cousin Lu Lun’s Visit
      35. 夏夜宿表兄话旧
      36. Talking with My Cousin One Summer Night
      37. 题稚川山水
      38. A Scenery like His Homeland
      39. 淮上喜会梁川故人
      40. Meeting with Friends on River Huai
      41. 淮上即事寄广陵亲故
      42. For Kinsfolk and Friends at Guangling
      43. 寒食寄京师诸弟
      44. For My Brothers in the Capital on Cold Food Day
      45. 闻雁
      46. On Hearing Homing Wild Geese
      47. 喜见外弟又言别
      48. Meeting and Parting with My Cousin
      49. 游子吟
      50. Song of the Parting Son
      51. 左迁至蓝关示侄孙湘
      52. Written for My Grandnephew at the Blue Pass
      53. 邯郸冬至夜思家
      54. Thinking of Home on Winter Solstice Night at Handan
      55. 望驿台
      56. For Roaming Yuan Zhen
      57. 自河南经乱,关内阻饥,兄弟离散,各在一处。因望月有感,聊书所怀,寄上浮梁大兄、于潜七兄、乌江十五兄,兼示符离及下邽弟妹
      58. Thinking of My Brothers and Sisters Scattered Here and There, I Write this Poem for Them by the Light of the Moon
      59. 别舍弟宗一
      60. Farewell to My Younger Brother
      61. 与浩初上人同看山寄京华亲故
      62. Rocky Hills Viewed Together with Abbot Haochu
      63. 幼女词
      64. Song of My Youngest Daughter
      65. 望夫词
      66. Longing for Her Husband
      67. 旅次朔方
      68. Farther North
      69. 示弟
      70. For My Younger Brother
      71. 夜雨寄北
      72. Written on a Rainy Night to My Wife in the North
      73. 正月崇让宅
      74. Our Old Abode—Elegy on My Deceased Wife
      75. 秋寄从兄贾岛
      76. Written in Autumn for My Cousin Jia Dao
      77. 骄儿诗
      78. Song of My Proud Son
  2. 许渊冲译唐诗三百首:汉文、英文(下册)
    1. 封面
    2. 信息
    3. 目录
    4. 致敬译界巨匠许渊冲先生
    5. Translator’s Preface
    6. 五 情爱相思 Love Poems
      1. 相思
      2. Love Seeds
      3. 春思
      4. A Faithful Wife Longing for Her Husband in Spring
      5. 远别离
      6. Sorrow of Separation Severed for Aye
      7. 长干行
      8. Ballad of a Trader’s Wife
      9. 长相思
      10. Endless Longing
      11. 闺情
      12. A Wife Longing for Her Husband
      13. 写情
      14. A Date
      15. 江南曲
      16. Song of the Southern Shore
      17. 古别离
      18. Leave Me Not
      19. 古怨别
      20. Complaint of Parting
      21. 题都城南庄
      22. Written in a Village South of the Capital
      23. 新嫁娘词三首(其三)
      24. A Bride (Ⅲ)
      25. 秋思赠远二首
      26. Autumn Thoughts for My Wife
      27. 秋思赠远二首
      28. Autumn Thoughts for My Wife
      29. 竹枝词二首
      30. Bamboo Branch Songs
      31. 竹枝词二首
      32. Bamboo Branch Songs
      33. 长恨歌
      34. The Everlasting Longing
      35. 遣悲怀三首
      36. To My Deceased Wife
      37. 六年春遣怀八首(其二)
      38. Elegy on My Deceased Wife (Ⅱ)
      39. 离思五首(其四)
      40. Thinking of My Dear Departed (Ⅳ)
      41. 赠别二首
      42. At Parting
      43. 忆扬州
      44. To One in Yangzhou
      45. 悼伤后赴东蜀辟至散关遇雪
      46. Dreaming of My Deceased Wife at Her Loom
      47. 为有
      48. A Nobleman’s Wife
      49. 无题
      50. To One Unnamed
      51. 嫦娥
      52. To the Moon Goddess
      53. 无题四首(其一)
      54. Untitled Poems (Ⅰ)
      55. Untitled Poems (Ⅰ)
    7. 六 咏史怀古 Historical Poems
      1. 黄鹤楼
      2. 无题二首(其一)
      3. Yellow Crane Tower
      4. 越中览古
      5. The Ruined Capital of Yue
      6. 登金陵凤凰台
      7. The Phoenix Terrace at Jinling
      8. 谢公亭
      9. Pavilion of Xie Tiao
      10. 夜泊牛渚怀古
      11. Mooring at Night Near Cattle Hill
      12. 蜀相
      13. Temple of the Premier of Shu
      14. 禹庙
      15. Temple of Emperor Yu
      16. 八阵图
      17. The Stone Fortress
      18. 咏怀古迹五首(其二)
      19. The Poet Song Yu’s Abode (Ⅱ)
      20. 咏怀古迹五首(其五)
      21. To the Prime Minister of Shu (Ⅴ)
      22. 汴河曲
      23. Song of River Bian
      24. 蜀先主庙
      25. Temple of the King of Shu
      26. 金陵怀古
      27. Memories at Jinling
      28. 西塞山怀古
      29. Mount Western Fort
      30. 石头城
      31. The Town of Stone
      32. 乌衣巷
      33. The Street of Mansions
      34. 途经秦始皇墓
      35. Passing by the Tomb of the First Emperor of the Qin Dynasty
      36. 金铜仙人辞汉歌并序
      37. The Bronze Statue Leaving Han Palace
      38. 金陵怀古
      39. Memories of Jinling
      40. 题宣州开元寺水阁,阁下宛溪,夹溪居人
      41. Ruined Splendor
      42. 赤壁
      43. The Red Cliff
      44. 题乌江亭
      45. On the Black River Pavilion
      46. 题木兰庙
      47. Temple of the Heroine
      48. 咏史
      49. On History
      50. 马嵬二首(其二)
      51. On Lady Yang’s Death (Ⅱ)
      52. 苏武庙
      53. Temple of Su Wu
      54. 黄陵庙
      55. The Temple of Emperor Shun’s Wives
      56. 馆娃宫怀古五绝(其一)
      57. The Palace of the Beauty (Ⅰ)
      58. 汴河怀古(其二)
      59. The Great Canal (Ⅱ)
      60. 焚书坑
      61. The Pit Where Emperor Qin Burned the Classics
    8. 七 边塞军旅 Frontier Poems
      1. 从军行
      2. I Would Rather Fight
      3. 凉州词
      4. Out of the Great Wall
      5. 古从军行
      6. Army Life
      7. 从军行(其四)
      8. Poems on Army Life (Ⅳ)
      9. 从军行(其五)
      10. Poems on Army Life (Ⅴ)
      11. 出塞
      12. On the Frontier
      13. 出塞作
      14. Out of the Frontier
      15. 关山月
      16. The Moon over the Mountain Pass
      17. 塞下曲
      18. Frontier Song
      19. 从军行
      20. Song of a General after the Break-through
      21. 燕歌行
      22. Song of the Northern Frontier
      23. 前出塞(其六)
      24. Song of the Frontier (Ⅵ)
      25. 夜上受降城闻笛
      26. On Hearing a Flute at Night atop the Victor’s Wall
      27. 白雪歌送武判官归京
      28. Song of White Snow in Farewell to Secretary Wu Going Back to the Capital
      29. 走马川行奉送封大夫出师西征
      30. Song of the Running Horse River in Farewell to General Feng on His Western Expedition
      31. 凉州馆中与诸判官夜集
      32. Drinking with Friends at Night in Liangzhou
      33. 塞下曲(其二)
      34. Border Songs (Ⅱ)
      35. 塞下曲(其三)
      36. Border Songs (Ⅲ)
      37. 塞下曲
      38. Frontier Song
      39. 马诗二十三首(其五)
      40. Horse Poems (Ⅴ)
    9. 八 政治讽喻 Political and Satirical Poems
      1. 古风(其二十四)
      2. Eunuchs and Cock-fighters (ⅩⅩⅣ)
      3. 乌栖曲
      4. Crows Flying Back to Their Nest
      5. 咏史
      6. On Appeasement by Marriage
      7. 丽人行
      8. Satire on Fair Ladies
      9. 兵车行
      10. Song of the Conscripts
      11. 诸将五首(其二)
      12. Five Generals (Ⅱ)
      13. 哀江头
      14. Lament along the Winding River
      15. 元和十年自朗州召至京师戏赠看花诸君子
      16. The Flower-admirers
      17. 再游玄都观
      18. The Taoist Temple Revisited
      19. 上阳白发人
      20. The White-haired Palace Maid
      21. 轻肥
      22. Sleek Horse and Light Furs
      23. 买花
      24. Buying Flowers
      25. 卖炭翁
      26. The Old Charcoal Seller
      27. 悯农(其一)
      28. The Peasants (Ⅰ)
      29. 悯农(其二)
      30. The Peasants (Ⅱ)
      31. 秦王饮酒
      32. The Drinking Song of the King of Qin
      33. 老夫采玉歌
      34. Song of an Old Jade-digger
      35. 汴河亭
      36. Royal Pavilion on the Great Canal
      37. 过华清宫绝句(其一)
      38. The Spring Palace (Ⅰ)
      39. 过华清宫绝句(其二)
      40. The Spring Palace (Ⅱ)
    10. 九 人格境界 Personality and Character
      1. 送陈章甫
      2. Farewell to Chen Zhangfu
      3. 将进酒
      4. Invitation to Wine
      5. 行路难
      6. Hard Is the Way of the World
      7. 答王十二寒夜独酌有怀
      8. For Wang the Twelfth Who Drank Alone on a Cold Night
      9. 山中问答
      10. A Reply
      11. 望蓟门
      12. Gazing on Northern Gate
      13. 饮中八仙歌
      14. Songs of Eight Immortal Drinkers
      15. 房兵曹胡马
      16. General Fang’s Steed
      17. 望岳
      18. Gazing on Mount Tai
      19. 奉赠韦左丞丈二十二韵
      20. For Minister Wei
      21. 江汉
      22. On River Han
      23. 致酒行
      24. Drinking Song
      25. 安定城楼
      26. On the Tower of the City Wall
      27. 谒山
      28. Homage to the Mountain
      29. 韩冬郎即席为诗相送,一座尽惊。他日余方追吟“连宵侍坐徘徊久”之句,有老成之风,因成二绝寄酬,兼旱畏之员外(其一)
      30. For Han Wo, Poet Prodigy (Ⅰ)
      31. 长安秋望
      32. Autumn in the Capital
      33. 杨柳枝词(其一)
      34. Willow Branch Song (Ⅰ)
      35. 剑客
      36. A Swordsman
      37. 登鹳雀楼
      38. On the Stork Tower
      39. 金缕衣
      40. The Golden Dress
    11. 十 人生感悟 Reflections and Recollections
      1. 代悲白头翁
      2. Admonition on the Part of a White-haired Old Man
      3. 登幽州台歌
      4. On the Tower at Youzhou
      5. 秋夜独坐
      6. Sitting Alone on an Autumn Night
      7. 行路难
      8. Hard Is the Way of the World
      9. 日出入行
      10. Song of Sunrise and Sunset
      11. 江上吟
      12. Song on the River
      13. 月下独酌四首(其一)
      14. Drinking Alone under the Moon (Ⅰ)
      15. 拟古十二首(其九)
      16. Life and Death (Ⅸ)
      17. 曲江二首(其一)
      18. The Winding River (Ⅰ)
      19. 曲江二首(其二)
      20. The Winding River (Ⅱ)
      21. 登高
      22. On the Height
      23. 登科后
      24. Successful at the Civil Service Examinations
      25. 竹枝词九首(其七)
      26. Bamboo Branch Song (Ⅶ)
      27. 琵琶行
      28. Song of a Pipa Player
      29. 与梦得沽酒闲饮且约后期
      30. Drinking Together with Liu Yuxi
      31. 官街鼓
      32. Official Drums
      33. 将进酒
      34. Drinking Song
      35. 锦瑟
      36. The Sad Zither
      37. 乐游原
      38. On the Plain of Imperial Tombs
      39. 叹花
      40. Sighing over Fallen Flowers
  3. 许渊冲译宋词三百首(上册):汉文、英文
    1. 封面
    2. 信息
    3. 目录
    4. 致敬译界巨匠许渊冲先生
    5. 酒泉子
    6. Fountain of Wine (I)
    7. 酒泉子
    8. Fountain of Wine (II)
    9. 酒泉子
    10. Fountain of Wine (III)
    11. 点绛唇
    12. Rouged Lips
    13. 画堂春
    14. Spring in Painted Hall
    15. 玉楼春
    16. Spring in Jade Pavilion
    17. 剪牡丹
    18. Peonies Cut Down
    19. 采桑子
    20. Gathering Mulberry Leaves (I)
    21. 采桑子
    22. Gathering Mulberry Leaves (II)
    23. 采桑子
    24. Gathering Mulberry Leaves (III)
    25. 渔家傲
    26. Pride of Fishermen
    27. 清平乐
    28. Pure Serene Music
    29. 西江月
    30. The Moon over the West River
    31. 行香子
    32. Joy of Eternal Union
    33. 浣溪沙
    34. Silk-washing Stream
    35. 卜算子
    36. Song of Divination
    37. 水调歌头
    38. Prelude to Water Melody
    39. 醉蓬莱
    40. Drunk in the Fairyland
    41. 点绛唇
    42. Rouged Lips
    43. 好事近
    44. Song of Good Event
    45. 点绛唇
    46. Rouged Lips
    47. 凤栖梧
    48. Phoenix Perching on Plane Tree
    49. 苏幕遮
    50. Waterbag Dance
    51. 昭君怨
    52. Lament of a Fair Lady
    53. 水调歌头
    54. Prelude to Water Melody
    55. 沁园春
    56. Spring in a Pleasure Garden
    57. 鹧鸪天
    58. Partridge in the Sky
    59. 霜天晓角
    60. Morning Horn and Frosty Sky
    61. 南柯子
    62. Song of a Dream
    63. 鹊桥仙
    64. Immortals at the Magpie Bridge
    65. 浣溪沙
    66. Silk-washing Stream
    67. 虞美人
    68. The Beautiful Lady Yu (I)
    69. 虞美人
    70. The Beautiful Lady Yu (II)
    71. 山花子
    72. Song of Mountain Flowers
    73. 闻鹊喜
    74. Glad to Hear Magpies
    75. 一剪梅
    76. A Twig of Mume Blossoms
    77. 乳燕飞
    78. Nursling Swallows' Flight
    79. 南浦
    80. The Southern Riverside
    81. 壶中天
    82. Sky in a Vase
    83. 望江南
    84. Dreaming of the South
    85. 蝶恋花
    86. Butterfly in Love with Flower
    87. 苏幕遮
    88. Waterbag Dance
    89. 望江南
    90. Watching the Southern Shore
    91. 浣溪沙
    92. Silk-washing Stream
    93. 木兰花令
    94. Song of Magnolia Flower
    95. 南乡子
    96. Song of Southern Country
    97. 水龙吟
    98. Water Dragon Chant
    99. 洞仙歌
    100. Song of a Fairy in the Cave
    101. 浣溪沙
    102. Silk-washing Stream
    103. 品令
    104. Song of Enjoyment
    105. 虞美人
    106. The Beautiful Lady Yu
    107. 踏莎行
    108. Treading on Grass
    109. 花犯
    110. Invaded by Flowers
    111. 水龙吟
    112. Water Dragon Chant
    113. 六丑
    114. Six Toughies
    115. 玉楼春
    116. Spring in Jade Pavilion
    117. 鹧鸪天
    118. Partridge in the Sky
    119. 卜算子
    120. Song of Divination
    121. 清平乐
    122. Pure Serene Music
    123. 长亭怨慢
    124. Complaint of the Pavilion of Adieu
    125. 仙吕宫
    126. Gloomy Fragrance
    127. 疏影
    128. Sparse Shadows
    129. 金人捧露盘
    130. The Golden Statue with Plate of Dew
    131. 少年游
    132. Wandering While Young
    133. 踏莎行
    134. Treading on Grass
    135. 莺啼序
    136. Prelude to Orioles' Warble
    137. 绮罗香
    138. Perfume of Silk Dress
    139. 齐天乐
    140. Universal Joy
    141. 双双燕
    142. A Pair of Swallows
    143. 东风第一枝
    144. The First Branch in the Eastern Breeze
    145. 留春令
    146. Retaining Spring
    147. 瑶花慢
    148. Song of Jasper Flower
    149. 花犯
    150. Invaded by Flowers
    151. 眉妩
    152. Lovely Eyebrows
    153. 水龙吟
    154. Water Dragon Chant
    155. 绮罗香
    156. Fragrance of Silk Brocade
    157. 齐天乐
    158. A Skyful of Joy
    159. 水龙吟
    160. Water Dragon Chant
    161. 南浦
    162. Southern Waterside
    163. 解连环
    164. Double Rings Unchained
    165. 渔家傲
    166. Pride of the Fishermen
    167. 诉衷情近
    168. Telling Innermost Feeling
    169. 玉蝴蝶
    170. Jade Butterfly
    171. 八声甘州
    172. Eight Beats of Ganzhou Song
    173. 踏莎行
    174. Treading on Grass
    175. 贺圣朝
    176. Homage to the Imperial Court
    177. 浪淘沙
    178. Sand-sifting Waves
    179. 浣溪沙
    180. Silk-washing Stream
    181. 卜算子
    182. Song of Divination
    183. 忆故人
    184. Old Friends Recalled
    185. 满庭芳
    186. Courtyard Full of Fragrance
    187. 满庭芳
    188. Courtyard Full of Fragrance
    189. 归朝欢
    190. Happy Return to the Court
    191. 南乡子
    192. Song of a Southern Country
    193. 南乡子
    194. Song of a Southern Country
    195. 鹊桥仙
    196. Immortal at the Magpie Bridge
    197. 昭君怨
    198. The Lament of a Fair Lady
    199. 八声甘州
    200. Eight Beats of Ganzhou Song
    201. 江城子
    202. Riverside Town
    203. 永遇乐
    204. Joy of Eternal Union
    205. 行香子
    206. Song of Incense
    207. 虞美人
    208. The Beautiful Lady Yu
    209. 虞美人
    210. The Beautiful Lady Yu
    211. 更漏子
    212. Song of Water Clock
    213. 阳关曲
    214. Song of the Sunny Pass
    215. 江城子
    216. Riverside Town
    217. 千秋岁
    218. A Thousand Years Old
    219. 琴调相思引
    220. Lovesick Song of the Lute
    221. 虞美人
    222. The Beautiful Lady Yu
    223. 虞美人
    224. The Beautiful Lady Yu
    225. 渔家傲
    226. Pride of Fishermen
    227. 双头莲
    228. Double Lotus
    229. 鹧鸪天
    230. Partridges in the Sky
    231. 柳梢青
    232. Green Willow Tips
    233. 贺新郎
    234. Congratulations to the Bridegroom
    235. 贺新郎
    236. Congratulations to the Bridegroom
    237. 念奴娇
    238. Charm of a Maiden Singer
    239. 满江红
    240. The River All Red
    241. 水龙吟
    242. Water Dragon Chant
    243. 鹊桥仙
    244. Immortal at the Magpie Bridge
    245. 长相思
    246. The Everlasting Longing
    247. 生查子
    248. Mountain Hawthorn
    249. 苏幕遮
    250. Waterbag Dance
    251. 蝶恋花
    252. Butterflies in Love with Flowers
    253. 雨霖铃
    254. Bells Ringing in the Rain
    255. 卜算子慢
    256. Slow Song of Divination
    257. 一丛花令
    258. Song of Flower Shrub
    259. 相思令
    260. Song of Longing
    261. 诉衷情
    262. Telling Innermost Feeling
    263. 蝶恋花
    264. Butterflies in Love with Flowers
    265. 蝶恋花
    266. Butterflies in Love with Flowers
    267. 减字木兰花
    268. Shortened Form of Magnolia Flower
    269. 临江仙
    270. Riverside Daffodils
    271. 思远人
    272. Thinking of the Far-off One
    273. 长相思
    274. Everlasting Longing
    275. 西江月
    276. The Moon over the West River
    277. 蝶恋花
    278. Butterflies in Love with Flowers
    279. 江城子
    280. Riverside Town
    281. 卜算子
    282. Song of Divination
    283. 鹊桥仙
    284. Immortals at the Magpie Bridge
    285. 青玉案
    286. Green Jade Cup
    287. 蓦山溪
    288. Hillside Creek at Dusk
    289. 风流子
    290. Song of Gallantry
    291. 四园竹
    292. Bamboos in West Garden
    293. 孤雁儿
    294. A Lonely Swan
    295. 一剪梅
    296. A Twig of Mume Blossoms
    297. 醉花阴
    298. Tipsy in the Flowers' Shade
    299. 采桑子
    300. Gathering Mulberries
    301. 卜算子
    302. Song of Divination
    303. 蝶恋花
    304. Butterflies in Love with Flowers
    305. 醉太平
    306. Drunk in Time of Peace
    307. 钗头凤
    308. Phoenix Hairpin
    309. 钗头凤
    310. Phoenix Hairpin
    311. 踏莎行
    312. Treading on Grass
    313. 江梅引
    314. Song of Riverside Mume
    315. 忆秦娥
    316. Dream of a Fair Maiden
  4. 许渊冲译宋词三百首(下册):汉文、英文
    1. 封面
    2. 信息
    3. 目录
    4. 长相思
    5. Everlasting Longing
    6. 浣溪沙
    7. Silk-washing Stream
    8. 浣溪沙
    9. Silk-washing Stream
    10. 风入松
    11. Wind through Pines
    12. 离亭燕
    13. Swallows Leaving Pavilion
    14. 浪淘沙
    15. Sand-sifting Waves
    16. 六州歌头
    17. Prelude to the Song of Six States
    18. 桂枝香
    19. Fragrance of Laurel Branch
    20. 念奴娇
    21. Charm of a Maiden Singer
    22. 将进酒
    23. Invitation to Wine
    24. 凌歊
    25. Scraping the Sky
    26. 台城游
    27. The Terrace Wall
    28. 八声甘州
    29. Eight Beats of Ganzhou Song
    30. 念奴娇
    31. Charm of a Maiden Singer
    32. 水调歌头
    33. Prelude to Water Melody
    34. 喜迁莺
    35. Migrant Orioles
    36. 六幺令
    37. Song of the Green Waist
    38. 八声甘州
    39. Eight Beats of Ganzhou Song
    40. 八声甘州
    41. Eight Beats of Ganzhou Song
    42. 卜算子
    43. Song of Divination
    44. 柳梢青
    45. Willow Tips Green
    46. 满江红
    47. The River All Red
    48. 八声甘州
    49. Eight Beats of Ganzhou Song
    50. 一萼红
    51. A Sprig of Reds
    52. 江城子
    53. Riverside Town
    54. 六州歌头
    55. Prelude to the Song of Six States
    56. 水调歌头
    57. Prelude to Water Melody
    58. 贺新郎
    59. Congratulations to the Bridegroom
    60. 临江仙
    61. Riverside Daffodils
    62. 南乡子
    63. Song of the Southern Country
    64. 满江红
    65. The River All Red
    66. 满江红
    67. The River All Red
    68. 水调歌头
    69. Prelude to Water Melody
    70. 水调歌头
    71. Prelude to Water Melody
    72. 六州歌头
    73. Song of the Six States
    74. 破阵子
    75. Dance of the Cavalry
    76. 永遇乐
    77. Joy of Eternal Union
    78. 西河
    79. The West River
    80. 西河
    81. The West River
    82. 贺新郎
    83. Congratulations to the Bridegroom
    84. 贺新郎
    85. Congratulations to the Bridegroom
    86. 念奴娇
    87. Charm of a Maiden Singer
    88. 沁园春
    89. Spring in a Pleasure Garden
    90. 月上瓜洲
    91. The Moon over Melon Islet
    92. 行香子
    93. Song of Pilgrimage
    94. 南乡子
    95. Song of the Southern Country
    96. 鹧鸪天
    97. Partridges in the Sky
    98. 水龙吟
    99. Water Dragon's Chant
    100. 行路难
    101. Hard Is the Way
    102. 迷神引
    103. Song of Enchantment
    104. 踏莎行
    105. Treading on Grass
    106. 如梦令
    107. A Dreamlike Song
    108. 水调歌头
    109. Prelude to Water Melody
    110. 小重山
    111. Manifold Little Hills
    112. 鹊桥仙
    113. Immortal at the Magpie Bridge
    114. 诉衷情
    115. Telling the Innermost Feeling
    116. 谢池春
    117. Spring on the Pool
    118. 蝶恋花
    119. Butterflies in Love with Flowers
    120. 阮郎归
    121. The Lovers' Return
    122. 贺新郎
    123. Congratulations to the Bridegroom
    124. 鹧鸪天
    125. Partridges in the Sky
    126. 千年调
    127. Song of a Thousand Years
    128. 贺新郎
    129. Congratulations to the Bridegroom
    130. 霜天晓角
    131. Morning Horn and Frosty Sky
    132. 望海潮
    133. Watching the Tidal Bore
    134. 二郎神
    135. The Junior God
    136. 木兰花
    137. Magnolia Flowers
    138. 浣溪沙
    139. Silk-washing Stream
    140. 浣溪沙
    141. Silk-washing Stream (III)
    142. 浣溪沙
    143. Silk-washing Stream (IV)
    144. 蝶恋花
    145. Butterflies in Love with Flowers
    146. 行香子
    147. Song of Pilgrimage
    148. 解语花
    149. Intelligent Flower
    150. 梦江南
    151. Dreaming of the South
    152. 蝶恋花
    153. Butterflies in Love with Flowers
    154. 清平乐
    155. Pure Serene Music
    156. 清平乐
    157. Pure Serene Music
    158. 鹧鸪天
    159. Partridges in the Sky
    160. 鹧鸪天
    161. Partridges in the Sky
    162. 西江月
    163. The Moon over the West River
    164. 宝鼎现
    165. The Precious Tripod
    166. 忆秦娥
    167. Dream of a Fair Maiden
    168. 沁园春
    169. Spring in a Pleasure Garden
    170. 传言玉女
    171. Message to Jade Maiden
    172. 天仙子
    173. Song of the Immortal
    174. 浣溪沙
    175. Silk-washing Stream
    176. 浣溪沙
    177. Silk-washing Stream
    178. 西江月
    179. The Moon over the West River
    180. 临江仙
    181. Riverside Daffodils
    182. 临江仙
    183. Riverside Daffodils
    184. 醉落魄
    185. Drunk and Lost
    186. 浣溪沙
    187. Silk-washing Stream
    188. 鹧鸪天
    189. Partridges in the Sky
    190. 西江月
    191. The Moon over the West River
    192. 南乡子
    193. Song of a Southern Country
    194. 望海潮
    195. Watching the Tidal Bore
    196. 满庭芳
    197. Courtyard Full of Fragrance
    198. 千秋岁
    199. A Thousand Autumns
    200. 水龙吟
    201. Water Dragon's Chant
    202. 满庭芳
    203. Courtyard Full of Fragrance
    204. 齐天乐
    205. Universal Joy
    206. 点绛唇
    207. Rouged Lips
    208. 卜算子
    209. Song of Divination
    210. 临江仙
    211. Riverside Daffodils
    212. 西江月
    213. The Moon over the West River
    214. 西江月
    215. The Moon over the West River
    216. 声声慢
    217. Slow, Slow Tune
    218. 永遇乐
    219. Joy of Eternal Union
    220. 临江仙
    221. Riverside Daffodils
    222. 木兰花
    223. Magnolia Flower
    224. 临江仙
    225. Riverside Daffodils
    226. 卜算子
    227. Song of Divination
    228. 青玉案
    229. Green Jade Cup
    230. 丑奴儿
    231. Song of Ugly Slave
    232. 水调歌头
    233. Prelude to Water Melody
    234. 唐多令
    235. Song of More Sugar
    236. 青玉案
    237. Green Jade Cup
    238. 扬州慢
    239. Slow Song of Yangzhou
    240. 淡黄柳
    241. Pale Golden Willow
    242. 莺啼序
    243. Prelude to Orioles' Warble
    244. 夜合花
    245. Night Flower
    246. 鹊桥仙
    247. Immortals at the Magpie Bridge (I)
    248. 鹊桥仙
    249. Immortals at the Magpie Bridge (II)
    250. 唐多令
    251. Song of More Sugar
    252. 千秋岁引
    253. Prelude to a Thousand Autumns
    254. 定风波
    255. Calming the Waves
    256. 满庭芳
    257. Courtyard Full of Fragrance
    258. 水调歌头
    259. Prelude to Water Melody
    260. 卜算子
    261. Song of Divination
    262. 临江仙
    263. Riverside Daffodils
    264. 鹧鸪天
    265. Partridges in the Sky
    266. 夜游宫
    267. Palace Visited at Night
    268. 石州慢
    269. Slow Song of Stone State
    270. 念奴娇
    271. The Charm of a Maiden Singer
    272. 水龙吟
    273. Water Dragon's Chant
    274. 清平乐
    275. Pure Serene Music
    276. 一剪梅
    277. A Sprig of Mume Blossoms
    278. 贺新郎
    279. Congratulations to the Bridegroom
    280. 最高楼
    281. The Highest Tower
    282. 一丛花
    283. A Shrub of Flowers
    284. 贺新郎
    285. Congratulations to the Bridegroom
    286. 酹江月
    287. Drinking to the Moon on the River
    288. 摸鱼子
    289. Groping for Fish
    290. 甘州
    291. Song of Ganzhou
  5. 许渊冲译元曲三百首:汉文、英文
    1. 封面
    2. 信息
    3. 目录
    4. 译序
    5. 人月圆
    6. Tune: Man and Moon
    7. 小圣乐
    8. Tune: Minor Sacred Music
    9. 小桃红
    10. Tune: Red Peach Blossoms
    11. 干荷叶
    12. Tune: Dried Lotus Leaves
    13. 耍孩儿
    14. Tune: Teasing the Child
    15. 醉中天
    16. Tune: A Drinker’s Sky
    17. 一半儿
    18. Tune: Half and Half
    19. 小桃红
    20. Tune: Red Peach Blossoms
    21. 小桃红
    22. Tune: Red Peach Blossoms
    23. 小桃红
    24. Tune: Red Peach Blossoms
    25. 潘妃曲
    26. Tune: Song of Princess Pan
    27. 沉醉东风
    28. Tune: Intoxicated in East Wind
    29. 喜春来
    30. Tune: Welcome to Spring
    31. 平湖乐
    32. Tune: Joy of Calm Lake
    33. 节节高
    34. Tune: Higher and Higher
    35. 沉醉东风
    36. Tune: Intoxicated in East Wind
    37. 沉醉东风
    38. Tune: Intoxicated in East Wind
    39. 沉醉东风
    40. Tune: Intoxicated in East Wind
    41. 蟾宫曲
    42. Tune: Song of Moon Palace
    43. 蟾宫曲
    44. Tune: Song of Moon Palace
    45. 殿前欢
    46. Tune: Joy before Palace
    47. 山坡羊
    48. Tune: Sheep on the Slope
    49. 白鹤令
    50. Tune: Song of White Crane
    51. 四块玉
    52. Tune: Four Pieces of Jade
    53. 四块玉
    54. Tune: Four Pieces of Jade
    55. 沉醉东风
    56. Tune: Intoxicated in East Wind
    57. 大德歌
    58. Tune: Song of Great Virtue
    59. 碧玉箫
    60. Tune: Green Jade Flute
    61. 一枝花
    62. Tune: A Sprig of Flowers
    63. 寄生草
    64. Tune: Parasite Grass
    65. 阳春曲
    66. Tune: Song of Spring
    67. 天净沙
    68. Tune: Sunny Sand
    69. 沉醉东风
    70. Tune: Intoxicated in East Wind
    71. 醉高歌
    72. Tune: Drinking Song
    73. 凭阑人寄征衣
    74. Tune: Leaning on Balustrade
    75. 雁儿落过得胜令
    76. From “Falling Swan” to “Triumphant Song”
    77. 黑漆弩
    78. Tune: Varnished Black Bow
    79. 四块玉
    80. Tune: Four Pieces of Jade
    81. 四块玉
    82. Tune: Four Pieces of Jade
    83. 天净沙
    84. Tune: Sunny Sand
    85. 清江引
    86. Tune: Song of Clear River
    87. 寿阳曲
    88. Tune: Song of Long-lived Sun
    89. 夜行船
    90. Night-sailing Boat
    91. 寿阳曲
    92. Tune: Song of Long-lived Sun
    93. 后庭花
    94. Tune: Backyard Flowers
    95. 十二月过尧民歌
    96. From “A Year’s End” to “Folklore”
    97. 普天乐
    98. Tune: Universal Joy
    99. 叨叨令
    100. Tune: Chattering Song
    101. 叨叨令
    102. Tune: Chattering Song
    103. 殿前欢
    104. Tune: Joy before Palace
    105. 鹦鹉曲
    106. Tune: Song of Parrot
    107. 鹦鹉曲
    108. Tune: Song of Parrot
    109. 寿阳曲
    110. Tune: Song of Long-lived Sun
    111. 塞鸿秋
    112. Tune: Autumn Swan on Frontier
    113. 红绣鞋
    114. Tune: Embroidered Red Shoes
    115. 落梅风
    116. Tune: Wind of Falling Mume Blossoms
    117. 蟾宫曲
    118. Tune: Song of Moon Palace
    119. 清江引
    120. Tune: Song of Clear River
    121. 得胜令
    122. Tune: Triumphant Song
    123. 水仙子
    124. Tune: Song of Daffodils
    125. 山坡羊
    126. Tune: Sheep on the Slope
    127. 朝天子
    128. Tune: Skyward Song
    129. 鹦鹉曲
    130. Tune: Song of Parrot
    131. 蟾宫曲
    132. Tune: Song of Moon Palace
    133. 闺中闻杜鹃
    134. Hearing the Cuckoo in My Boudoir
    135. 集贤宾
    136. Tune: Meeting of Good Friends
    137. 哨遍
    138. Tune: Whistling Around
    139. 叨叨令
    140. Tune: Chattering Song
    141. 塞儿令
    142. Tune: Song of Frontier
    143. 清江引
    144. Tune: Song of Clear River
    145. 清江引
    146. Tune: Song of Clear River
    147. 山坡羊
    148. Tune: Sheep on the Slope
    149. 卖花声
    150. Tune: Song of a Flower Seller
    151. 凭阑人
    152. Tune: Leaning on Balustrade
    153. 折桂令
    154. Tune: Plucking Laurel Branch
    155. 满庭芳
    156. Tune: Courtyard Full of Fragrance
    157. 殿前欢
    158. Tune: Joy before Palace
    159. 小桃红
    160. Tune: Red Peach Blossoms
    161. 水仙子
    162. Tune: Song of Daffodils
    163. 水仙子
    164. Tune: Song of Daffodils
    165. 雁儿落过得胜令
    166. From “Falling Swan” to “Triumphant Song”
    167. 集贤宾
    168. Tune: Meeting of Good Friends
    169. 殿前欢
    170. Tune: Joy before Palace
    171. 落梅风
    172. Tune: Wind of Falling Mume Blossoms
    173. 醉太平
    174. Tune: Drunk in Time of Peace
    175. 塞鸿秋
    176. Tune: Autumn Swan on Frontier
    177. 楚天遥过清江引
    178. From “Far-flung Southern Sky” to “Song of Clear River”
    179. 金字经
    180. Tune: Golden Canon
    181. 拨不断
    182. Tune: Unbroken String
    183. 沉醉东风
    184. Tune: Intoxicated in East Wind
    185. 折桂令
    186. Tune: Plucking Laurel Branch
    187. 庆东原
    188. Tune: Blessed East Plain
    189. 柳营曲
    190. Tune: Song of Willow Camp
    191. 人月圆
    192. Tune: Man and Moon
    193. 人月圆
    194. Tune: Man and Moon
    195. 人月圆
    196. Tune: Man and Moon
    197. 醉太平
    198. Tune: Drunk in Time of Peace
    199. 醉太平
    200. Tune: Drunk in Time of Peace
    201. 锦橙梅
    202. Tune: Orange and Mume on Brocade
    203. 迎仙客
    204. Tune: Greeting a Fairy Guest
    205. 红绣鞋
    206. Tune: Embroidered Red Shoes
    207. 红绣鞋
    208. Tune: Embroidered Red Shoes
    209. 梧叶儿
    210. Tune: Plane Leaves
    211. 梧叶儿
    212. Tune: Plane Leaves
    213. 折桂令
    214. Tune: Plucking Laurel Branch
    215. 折桂令
    216. Tune: Plucking Laurel Branch
    217. 折桂令
    218. Tune: Plucking Laurel Branch
    219. 折桂令
    220. Tune: Plucking Laurel Branch
    221. 水仙子
    222. Tune: Song of Daffodils
    223. 小桃红
    224. Tune: Red Peach Blossoms
    225. 普天乐
    226. Tune: Universal Joy
    227. 普天乐
    228. Tune: Universal Joy
    229. 喜春来
    230. Tune: Welcome to Spring
    231. 喜春来
    232. Tune: Welcome to Spring
    233. 朝天子
    234. Tune: Skyward Song
    235. 山坡羊
    236. Tune: Sheep on the Slope
    237. 殿前欢
    238. Tune: Joy before Palace
    239. 清江引
    240. Tune: Song of Clear River
    241. 天净沙
    242. Tune: Sunny Sand
    243. 一枝花
    244. Tune: A Sprig of Flowers
    245. 凭阑人
    246. Tune: Leaning on Balustrade
    247. 普天乐
    248. Tune: Universal Joy
    249. 喜春来
    250. Tune: Welcome to Spring
    251. 蟾宫曲
    252. Tune: Song of Moon Palace
    253. 蟾宫曲
    254. Tune: Song of Moon Palace
    255. 水仙子
    256. Tune: Song of Daffodils
    257. 水仙子
    258. Tune: Song of Daffodils
    259. 人月圆
    260. Tune: Man and Moon
    261. 朝天子
    262. Tune: Skyward Song
    263. 一半儿
    264. Tune: Half and Half
    265. 柳营曲
    266. Tune: Song of Willow Camp
    267. 一枝花
    268. Tune: A Sprig of Flowers
    269. 天净沙
    270. Tune: Sunny Sand
    271. 普天乐
    272. Tune: Universal Joy
    273. 普天乐
    274. Tune: Universal Joy
    275. 普天乐
    276. Tune: Universal Joy
    277. 水仙子
    278. Tune: Song of Daffodils
    279. 山坡羊
    280. Tune: Sheep on the Slope
    281. 清江引
    282. Tune: Song of Clear River
    283. 斗鹌鹑
    284. Tune: Fight of Quails
    285. 醉高歌过红绣鞋
    286. From “Drinking Song” to “Embroidered Red Shoes”
    287. 塞鸿秋
    288. Tune: Autumn Swan on Frontier
    289. 满庭芳
    290. Tune: Courtyard Full of Fragrance
    291. 折桂令
    292. Tune: Plucking Laurel Branch
    293. 一枝花
    294. Tune: A Sprig of Flowers
    295. 醉太平
    296. Tune: Drunk in Time of Peace
    297. 朝天子
    298. Tune: Skyward Song
    299. 沉醉东风
    300. Tune: Intoxicated in East Wind
    301. 人月圆
    302. Tune: Man and Moon
    303. 小桃红
    304. Tune: Red Peach Blossoms
    305. 凭阑人
    306. Tune: Leaning on Balustrade
    307. 水仙子
    308. Tune: Song of Daffodils
    309. 折桂令
    310. Tune: Plucking Laurel Branch
    311. 水仙子
    312. Tune: Song of Daffodils
    313. 一枝花
    314. Tune: A Sprig of Flowers
    315. 小梁州
    316. Tune: Minor Frontier
    317. 天香引
    318. Tune: Song of Celestial Fragrance
    319. 四块玉
    320. Tune: Four Pieces of Jade
    321. 醉太平
    322. Tune: Intoxicated in Time of Peace
    323. 哨遍
    324. Tune: Whistling Around
    325. 蟾宫曲
    326. Tune: Song of Moon Palace
    327. 庆东原
    328. Tune: Blessed Eastern Plain
    329. 解三酲
    330. Tune: Thrice Drunk and Sobered
    331. 天净沙
    332. Tune: Sunny Sand
    333. 清江引
    334. Tune: Song of the Clear River
    335. 寿阳曲
    336. Tune: Song of Long-lived Sun
    337. 醉太平
    338. Tune: Drunk in Time of Peace
    339. 水仙子
    340. Tune: Song of Daffodils
    341. 折桂令
    342. Tune: Plucking Laurel Branch
    343. 折桂令
    344. Tune: Plucking Laurel Branch
    345. 塞鸿秋
    346. Tune: Autumn Swan on Frontier
    347. 塞鸿秋
    348. Tune: Autumn Swan on Frontier
    349. 梧叶儿
    350. Tune: Plane Leaves
    351. 梧叶儿
    352. Tune: Plane Leaves
    353. 四换头
    354. Tune: Changes of Tunes
    355. 四换头
    356. Tune: Changes of Tunes
    357. 红绣鞋
    358. Tune: Embroidered Red Shoes
    359. 红绣鞋
    360. Tune: Embroidered Red Shoes
    361. 红绣鞋
    362. Tune: Embroidered Red Shoes
    363. 红绣鞋
    364. Tune: Embroidered Red Shoes
    365. 庆宣和
    366. Tune: Celebration of Imperial Reign
    367. 沉醉东风
    368. Tune: Intoxicated in East Wind
    369. 塞儿令
    370. Tune: Song of Frontier
    371. 上小楼
    372. Tune: Ascending the Attic
    373. 寄生草
    374. Tune: Parasite Grass
    375. 快活三过朝天子四换头
    376. From “Happy Three” to “Changes of Tunes”
    377. 阅金经
    378. Tune: Reading Golden Classics
    379. 普天乐
    380. Tune: Universal Joy
    381. 雁儿落过得胜令
    382. From “Falling Swan” to “Triumphant Song”
    383. 叨叨令
    384. Tune: Chattering Song
    385. 叨叨令
    386. Tune: Chattering Song
    387. 游四门
    388. Tune: The Four Gates Visited
    389. 三番玉楼人
    390. Tune: Thrice in Jade Pavilion
    391. 朝天子
    392. Tune: Skyward Song
    393. 叨叨令
    394. Tune: Chattering Song
    395. 红绣鞋
    396. Tune: Embroidered Red Shoes
    397. 喜春来
    398. Tune: Welcome to Spring
    399. 快活三过朝天子四换头
    400. From “Happy Three” to “Changes of Tunes”
    401. 骂玉郎过感皇恩采茶歌
    402. From “Blaming My Gallant” to “Tea-picking Song”
  6. 许渊冲译诗经·风:汉文、英文
    1. 封面
    2. 信息
    3. 目录
    4. 致敬译界巨匠许渊冲先生
    5. 周南 Songs Collected South of the Capital, Modern Shaanxi and Henan
      1. 关雎
      2. Cooing and Wooing
      3. 葛覃
      4. Home-going of the Bride
      5. 卷耳
      6. Mutual Longing
      7. 樛木
      8. Married Happiness
      9. 螽斯
      10. Blessed with Children
      11. 桃夭
      12. The Newly-wed
      13. 兔罝
      14. The Rabbit Catcher
      15. 芣苢
      16. Plantain Gathering
      17. 汉广
      18. A Woodcutter's Love
      19. 汝坟
      20. A Wife Waiting
      21. 麟之趾
      22. The Good Unicorn
    6. 召南 Songs Collected South of Zhao, Modern Henan
      1. 鹊巢
      2. The Magpie's Nest
      3. 采蘩
      4. The Sacrifice
      5. 草虫
      6. The Grasshoppers
      7. 采蘋
      8. Sacrifice before Wedding
      9. 甘棠
      10. The Duke of Shao
      11. 行露
      12. I Accuse
      13. 羔羊
      14. Oficials in Lamb Furs
      15. 殷其雷
      16. Why Not Return?
      17. 摽有梅
      18. An Old Maid
      19. 小星
      20. The Starlets
      21. 江有汜
      22. A Merchant's Wife
      23. 野有死麕
      24. A Deer Killer and a Jadelike Maiden
      25. 何彼襛矣
      26. The Princess’ Wedding
      27. 驺虞
      28. A Hunter
    7. 邺风 Songs Collected in Bei, Modern Hebei
      1. 柏舟
      2. Depression
      3. 绿衣
      4. My Green Robe
      5. 燕燕
      6. A Farewell Song
      7. 日月
      8. Sun And Moon
      9. 终风
      10. The Violent Wind
      11. 击鼓
      12. Complaint of a Soldier
      13. 凯风
      14. Our Mother
      15. 雄雉
      16. My Man in Service*
      17. 匏有苦叶
      18. Waiting for Her Fiance
      19. 谷风
      20. A Rejected Wife
      21. 式微
      22. Toilers
      23. 旄丘
      24. Refugees
      25. 简兮
      26. A Dancer
      27. 泉水
      28. Fair Spring
      29. 北门
      30. A Petty Oficial
      31. 北风
      32. The Hard Pressed
      33. 静女
      34. A Shepherdess
      35. 新台
      36. The New Tower
      37. 二子乘舟
      38. Two Sons in a Boat
    8. 鄘风 Songs Collected in Yong, Modern Shandong
      1. 柏舟
      2. A Cypress Boat
      3. 墙有茨
      4. Scandals
      5. 君子偕老
      6. Duchess Xuan Jiang of Wei
      7. 桑中
      8. Trysts
      9. 鹑之奔奔
      10. Misfortune
      11. 定之方中
      12. Duke Wen of Wei
      13. 蝃蝀
      14. Elopement
      15. 相鼠
      16. The Rat
      17. 干旄
      18. Betrothal Gifts
      19. 载驰
      20. Patriotic Baroness Mu of Xu
    9. 卫风 Songs Collected in Wei, Modern Henan
      1. 淇奥
      2. Duke Wu of Wei
      3. 考槃
      4. A Happy Hermit
      5. 硕人
      6. The Duke's Bride
      7. A Faithless Man
      8. 竹竿
      9. A Lovesick Fisherman
      10. 芄兰
      11. A Widow in Love
      12. 河广
      13. The River Wide
      14. 伯兮
      15. My Lord
      16. 有狐
      17. A Lonely Husband
      18. 木瓜
      19. Gifts
    10. 王风 Songs Collected around the Capital, Modern Henan
      1. 黍离
      2. The Ruined Capital
      3. 君子于役
      4. My Man Is Away
      5. 君子阳阳
      6. What Joy
      7. 扬之水
      8. In Garrison
      9. 中谷有蓷
      10. Grief of a Deserted Wife
      11. 兔爰
      12. Past and Present
      13. 葛藟
      14. A Refugee
      15. 采葛
      16. One Day When I See Her Not
      17. 大车
      18. To Her Captive Lord
      19. 丘中有麻
      20. To Her Lover
    11. 郑风 Songs Collected in Zheng, Modern Henan
      1. 缁衣
      2. A Good Wife
      3. 将仲子
      4. Cadet My Dear
      5. 叔于田
      6. The Young Cadet
      7. 大叔于田
      8. Hunting
      9. 清人
      10. Qing Warriors
      11. 羔裘
      12. Oficer in Lamb's Fur
      13. 遵大路
      14. Leave Me Not
      15. 女曰鸡鸣
      16. A Hunter's Domestic Life
      17. 有女同车
      18. Lady Jiang
      19. 山有扶苏
      20. A Joke
      21. 萚兮
      22. Sing Together
      23. 狡童
      24. A Handsome Guy
      25. 褰裳
      26. Lift up Your Robe
      27. Lost Opportunity
      28. 东门之墠
      29. A Lover's Monologue
      30. 风雨
      31. Wind and Rain
      32. 子衿
      33. To a Scholar
      34. 扬之水
      35. Believe Me
      36. 出其东门
      37. My Lover in White
      38. 野有蔓草
      39. The Creeping Grass
      40. 溱洧
      41. Riverside Rendezvous
    12. 齐风 Songs Collected in Qi, Modern Shandong
      1. 鸡鸣
      2. A Courtier and His Wife
      3. Two Hunters
      4. The Bridegroom
      5. 东方之日
      6. Nocturnal Tryst
      7. 东方未明
      8. A Tryst before Dawn
      9. 南山
      10. Incest
      11. 甫田
      12. Missing Her Son
      13. 卢令
      14. Hunter and Hounds
      15. 敝笱
      16. Duchess Wen Jiang of Qi
      17. 载驱
      18. Duke of Qi and Duchess of Lu
      19. 猗嗟
      20. The Archer Duke
    13. 魏风 Songs Collected in Wei, Modern Shanxi
      1. 葛屦
      2. A Well-Drest Lady and Her Maid
      3. 汾沮洳
      4. A Scholar Unknown
      5. 园有桃
      6. A Scholar Misunderstood
      7. 陟岵
      8. A Homesick Soldier
      9. 十亩之间
      10. Gathering Mulberry
      11. 伐檀
      12. The Woodcutter's Song
      13. 硕鼠
      14. Large Rat
    14. 唐风 Songs Collected in Tang, Modern Shanxi
      1. 蟋蟀
      2. The Cricket
      3. 山有枢
      4. Why Not Enjoy?
      5. 扬之水
      6. Our Prince
      7. 椒聊
      8. The Pepper Plant
      9. 绸缪
      10. A Wedding Song
      11. 杕杜
      12. A Wanderer
      13. 羔裘
      14. An Unkind Lord in Lamb's Fur
      15. 鸨羽
      16. The Peasants’ Complaint
      17. 无衣
      18. To His Deceased Wife
      19. 有杕之杜
      20. The Russet Pear Tree
      21. 葛生
      22. An Elegy
      23. 采苓
      24. Rumor
    15. 秦风 Songs Collected in Qin, Modern Shaanxi
      1. 车邻
      2. Lord Zhong of Qin
      3. 驷驖
      4. Winter Hunting
      5. 小戎
      6. A Lord on Expedition
      7. 蒹葭
      8. Where Is She?
      9. 终南
      10. Duke Xiang of Qin
      11. 黄鸟
      12. Burial of Three Worthies
      13. 晨风
      14. The Forgotten
      15. 无衣
      16. Comradeship
      17. 渭阳
      18. Farewell to Duke Wen of Jin
      19. 权舆
      20. Not As Before
    16. 陈风 Songs Collected in Chen, Modern Henan
      1. 宛丘
      2. A Religious Dancer
      3. 东门之枌
      4. Secular Dancers
      5. 衡门
      6. Contentment
      7. 东门之杨
      8. To a Weaving Maiden
      9. 东门之池
      10. A Date
      11. 泽陂
      12. The Evil-Doing Usurper
      13. 墓门
      14. Riverside Magpies
      15. 防有鹊巢
      16. The Moon
      17. 月出
      18. The Duke's Mistress
      19. 株林
      20. A Bewitching Lady
    17. 桧风 Songs Collected in Kuai, Modern Henan
      1. 羔裘
      2. The Last Lord of Kuai
      3. 素冠
      4. The Mourning Wife
      5. 隰有苌楚
      6. The Unconscious Tree
      7. 匪风
      8. Nostalgia
    18. 曹风 Songs Collected in Cao, Modern Shandong
      1. 蜉蝣
      2. The Ephemera
      3. 候人
      4. Poor Attendants
      5. 鸤鸠
      6. An Ideal Ruler
      7. 下泉
      8. The Canal
    19. 豳风 Songs Collected in Bin, Modern Shaanxi
      1. 七月
      2. Life of Peasants
      3. 鸱鸮
      4. A Mother Bird
      5. 东山
      6. Coming Back From the Eastern Hills
      7. 破斧
      8. With Broken Axe
      9. 伐柯
      10. An Axe-handle
      11. 九罭
      12. The Duke's Return
      13. 狼跋
      14. Like an Old Wolf
  7. 许渊冲译诗经·雅:汉文、英文
    1. 封面
    2. 信息
    3. 目录
    4. 致敬译界巨匠许渊冲先生
    5. 鹿鸣之什 First Decade of Odes
      1. 鹿鸣
      2. To Guests
      3. 四牡
      4. Loyalty and Filial Piety
      5. 皇皇者华
      6. The Envoy
      7. 常棣
      8. Brotherhood
      9. 伐木
      10. Friendship and Kinship
      11. 天保
      12. The Royalty
      13. 采薇
      14. A Homesick Warrior
      15. 出车
      16. General Nan Zhong and His Wife
      17. 杕杜
      18. A Soldier’s Wife
      19. 鱼丽
      20. Fish and Wine
    6. 南有嘉鱼之什 Second Decade of Odes
      1. 南有嘉鱼
      2. Southern Fish Fine
      3. 南山有台
      4. Longevity
      5. 蓼萧
      6. Southernwood
      7. 湛露
      8. The Heavy Dew
      9. 彤弓
      10. The Red Bow
      11. 菁菁者莪
      12. Our Lord Visiting the School
      13. 六月
      14. General Ji Fu
      15. 采芑
      16. General Fang
      17. 车攻
      18. Great Hunting
      19. 吉日
      20. Royal Hunting
    7. 鸿雁之什 Third Decade of Odes
      1. 鸿雁
      2. The Toilers
      3. 庭燎
      4. Early Audience
      5. 沔水
      6. Water Flows
      7. 鹤鸣
      8. The Crane Cries
      9. 祈父
      10. To the Minister of War
      11. 白驹
      12. The White Pony
      13. 黄鸟
      14. Yellow Birds
      15. 我行其野
      16. A Rejected Husband
      17. 斯干
      18. Installation
      19. 无羊
      20. The Herdsmen’s Song
    8. 节南山之什 Fourth Decade of Odes
      1. 节南山
      2. To Grand Master Yin
      3. 正月
      4. Lamentation
      5. 十月之交
      6. President Huang Fu
      7. 雨无正
      8. Untimely Rain
      9. 小旻
      10. Counselors
      11. 小宛
      12. Reflections
      13. 小弁
      14. The Banished Prince
      15. 巧言
      16. Disorder and Slander
      17. 何人斯
      18. Friend or Foe?
      19. 巷伯
      20. A Eunuch’s Complaint
    9. 谷风之什 Fifth Decade of Odes
      1. 谷风
      2. Weal and Woe
      3. 蓼莪
      4. The Parents’ Death
      5. 大东
      6. East and West
      7. 四月
      8. Banishment to the South
      9. 北山
      10. Injustice
      11. 无将大车
      12. Don’t Trouble
      13. 小明
      14. A Nostalgic Oficial
      15. 鼓钟
      16. Bells and Drums
      17. 楚茨
      18. Winter Sacrifice
      19. 信南山
      20. Spring Sacrifice at the Foot of the Southern Mountain
    10. 甫田之什 Sixth Decade of Odes
      1. 甫田
      2. Harvest
      3. 大田
      4. Farm Work
      5. 瞻彼洛矣
      6. Grand Review
      7. 裳裳者华
      8. A Noble Lord
      9. 桑扈
      10. The Royal Toast
      11. 鸳鸯
      12. The Love-birds
      13. 頍弁
      14. The Royal Banquet
      15. 车舝
      16. On the Way to the Bride’s House
      17. 青蝇
      18. Blue Flies
      19. 宾之初筵
      20. Revelry
    11. 鱼藻之什 Seventh Decade of Odes
      1. 鱼藻
      2. The Fish among the Weed
      3. 采菽
      4. Royal Favours
      5. 角弓
      6. Admonition
      7. 菀柳
      8. The Unjust Lord
      9. 都人士
      10. Men of the Old Capital
      11. 采绿
      12. My Lord Not Back
      13. 黍苗
      14. On Homeward Way after Construction
      15. 隰桑
      16. The Mulberry Tree
      17. 白华
      18. The Degraded Queen
      19. 绵蛮
      20. Hard Journey
      21. 瓠叶
      22. Frugal Hospitality
      23. 渐渐之石
      24. Eastern Expedition
      25. 苕之华
      26. Famine
      27. 何草不黄
      28. Nowhere but Yellow Grass
    12. 文王之什 First Decade of Epics
      1. 文王
      2. Heavens Decree
      3. 大明
      4. Three Kings of Zhou
      5. The Migration in1325 B. C.
      6. 棫朴
      7. King Wen and Talents
      8. 旱麓
      9. Sacrifice and Blessing
      10. 思齐
      11. King Wen’s Reign
      12. 皇矣
      13. The Rise of Zhou
      14. 灵台
      15. The Wondrous Park
      16. 下武
      17. King Wu
      18. 文王有声
      19. Kings Wen and Wu
    13. 生民之什 Second Decade of Epics
      1. 生民
      2. Hou Ji, the Lord of Corn
      3. 行苇
      4. Banquet
      5. 既醉
      6. Sacrificial Ode
      7. 凫鹥
      8. The Ancestor’s Spirit
      9. 假乐
      10. King Cheng
      11. 公刘
      12. Duke Liu
      13. 泂酌
      14. Take Water from Far Away
      15. 卷阿
      16. King Cheng’s Progress
      17. 民劳
      18. The People Are Hard Pressed
      19. Censure
    14. 荡之什 Third Decade of Epics
      1. Warnings
      2. Admonition by Duke Wu of Wei
      3. 桑柔
      4. Misery and Disorder
      5. 云汉
      6. Great Drought
      7. 崧高
      8. Count of Shen
      9. 烝民
      10. Premier Shan Fu
      11. 韩奕
      12. The Marquis of Han
      13. 江汉
      14. Duke Mu of Shao
      15. 常武
      16. Expedition against Xu
      17. 瞻卬
      18. Complaint against King You
      19. 召旻
      20. King You’s Times
  8. 许渊冲译诗经·颂:汉文、英文
    1. 封面
    2. 信息
    3. 目录
    4. 致敬译界巨匠许渊冲先生
    5. 清庙之什 First Decade of Hymns of Zhou
      1. 清庙
      2. King Wen's Temple
      3. 维天之命
      4. King Wen Deified
      5. 维清
      6. King Wen's Statutes
      7. 烈文
      8. King Cheng's Inaugural Address
      9. 天作
      10. Mount Qi
      11. 昊天有成命
      12. King Cheng's Hymn
      13. 我将
      14. King Wu's Sacrificial Hymn
      15. 时迈
      16. King Wu's Progress
      17. 执竞
      18. Kings Cheng and Kang
      19. 思文
      20. Hymn to the Lord of Corn
    6. 臣工之什 Second Decade of Hymns of Zhou
      1. 臣工
      2. Husbandry
      3. 噫嘻
      4. King Kang's Prayer
      5. 振鹭
      6. The Guest Assisting at Sacrifice
      7. 丰年
      8. Thanksgiving
      9. 有瞽
      10. Temple Music
      11. Sacrifice of Fish
      12. King Wu's Prayer to King Wen
      13. 载见
      14. King Cheng's Sacrifice to King Wu
      15. 有客
      16. Guests at The Sacrifice
      17. Hymn to King Wu Great and Bright
    7. 闵予小子之什 Third Decade of Hymns of Zhou
      1. 闵予小子
      2. Elegy on King Wu
      3. 访落
      4. King Cheng's Ascension to The Throne
      5. 敬之
      6. King Cheng's Consultation
      7. 小毖
      8. King Cheng's Self-criticism
      9. 载芟
      10. Cultivation of the Ground
      11. 良耜
      12. Hymn of Thanksgiving
      13. 丝衣
      14. Supplementary Sacrifice
      15. The Martial King
      16. Hymn to King Wua
      17. King Wu's Hymn to King Wen
      18. The King's Progress
      19. Horses
      20. 有駜
      21. The Ducal Feast
      22. 泮水
      23. The Poolside Hall
      24. 閟宫
      25. Hymn to Marquis of Lu
      26. Hymn to King Tang
      27. 烈祖
      28. Hymn to Ancestor
      29. 玄鸟
      30. The Swallow
      31. 长发
      32. The Rise of Shang
      33. 殷武
      34. Hymn to King Wu Ding
  9. 许渊冲译楚辞:汉文、英文
    1. 信息
    2. 译序
    3. 离骚
    4. Sorrow after Departure
    5. 九歌
      1. 东皇太一[1]
    6. The Nine Songs
      1. The Almighty Lord of the East
      2. 云中君[1]
      3. To The God of Cloud
      4. 湘君[1]
      5. To the Lord of River Xiang
      6. 湘夫人[1]
      7. To the Lady of River Xiang
      8. 大司命[1]
      9. The Great Lord of Fate
      10. 少司命[1]
      11. The Young Goddess of Fate
      12. 东君[1]
      13. The God of the Sun
      14. 河伯
      15. The God of the River
      16. 山鬼[1]
      17. The Goddess of the Mountain
      18. 国殇[1]
      19. For Those Fallen for the Country
      20. 礼魂
      21. The Last Sacrifice
    7. 天问[1]
    8. Asking Heaven
    9. 九章
      1. 惜诵[1]
    10. The Nine Elegies
      1. I Make my Plaint
      2. 涉江
      3. Crossing the River
      4. 哀郢[1]
      5. Lament for the Chu Capital
      6. 抽思[1]
      7. Sad Thoughts Outpoured
      8. 怀沙
      9. Longing for Changsha
      10. 思美人
      11. Thinking of the Fair One
      12. 惜往日
      13. The Bygone Days Regretted
      14. 橘颂
      15. Hymn to the Orange Tree
      16. 悲回风
      17. Grieving at the Whirlwind
    11. 远游
    12. The far-off Journey
    13. 卜居
    14. Divination
    15. 渔父
    16. The Fisherman
    17. 九辩
    18. Nine Apologies
    19. 招魂
    20. Requiem
    21. 大招
    22. Great Requiem
  10. 许渊冲译汉魏六朝诗:汉文、英文
    1. 封面
    2. 信息
    3. 目录
    4. 大风歌
    5. Song of the Great Wind
    6. 垓下歌
    7. Xiang Yu's Last Song
    8. 和项王歌
    9. Rely to Xiang Yu
    10. 秋风辞
    11. Song of the Autumn Wind
    12. 琴歌(二首其一)
    13. Songs of the Lute (I)
    14. 北方有佳人
    15. Song of the Northern Beauty
    16. 怨歌行
    17. To an Autumn Fan
    18. 羽林郎
    19. Captain of the Guard
    20. 苏武诗(四首其二)
    21. Su Wu to His Wife (II)
    22. 战城南
    23. Fighting South of the Town
    24. 有所思
    25. I Long for One
    26. 上邪
    27. The Pledge
    28. 江南
    29. Gathering Lotus
    30. 平陵东
    31. East of the Tomb
    32. 陌上桑
    33. The Roadside Mulberry
    34. 长歌行
    35. A Slow Song
    36. 东门行
    37. Song of the East Gate
    38. 饮马长城窟行
    39. A Longing Wife
    40. 妇病行
    41. On Her Deathbed
    42. 艳歌行
    43. Song of A Roamer
    44. 白头吟
    45. Song of the White Hair
    46. 蜨蝶行
    47. Song of a Butterfly
    48. 乌生八九子
    49. Song of a Crow
    50. 枯鱼过河泣
    51. Song of a Dried Fish
    52. 悲歌
    53. A Song of Grief
    54. 行行重行行
    55. You Travel on and on
    56. 青青河畔草
    57. Green, Green Riverside Grass She Sees
    58. 青青陵上柏
    59. Green, Green, the Tombside Cypresses are Seen
    60. 今日良宴会
    61. We Keep a Feast in Spirit high
    62. 西北有高楼
    63. In Northwest There's a Tower Proud
    64. 涉江采芙蓉
    65. I Gather Lotus Blooms Across the Stream
    66. 明月皎夜光
    67. The Moon Shines Bright at Dead of Night
    68. 冉冉孤生竹
    69. Frail, Frail the Lonely Bamboo's Root
    70. 庭中有奇树
    71. A Rare Tree Stands in Courtyard Quiet
    72. 迢迢牵牛星
    73. Far, Far Away the Cowherd Star
    74. 回车驾言迈
    75. I Turn my Carriage and Set Out
    76. 东城高且长
    77. The Eastern Wall Stands Long and High
    78. 驱车上东门
    79. I Drive My Car through Upper Eastern Gate
    80. 去者日以疏
    81. The Bygone Times are Gone Farther away
    82. 生年不满百
    83. Few Live as Long as a Hundred Years
    84. 凛凛岁云暮
    85. Cold, Cold the End of Year Draws Near
    86. 孟冬寒气至
    87. In Early Winter the Cold Air Comes Forth
    88. 客从远方来
    89. A Guest Who Came From afar
    90. 明月何皎皎
    91. How Bright are Moonbeams Shed
    92. 上山采蘼芜
    93. The Old Wife and the New
    94. 步出城东门
    95. I Stroll out of the East Gate
    96. 十五从军征
    97. Homecoming after War
    98. 蒿里行
    99. Graveyard Song
    100. 短歌行
    101. A Short Song
    102. 苦寒行
    103. Song of the Cold Endured
    104. 步出夏门行:观沧海
    105. The Sea
    106. 步出夏门行:龟虽寿
    107. Indomitable Soul
    108. 七哀诗
    109. Seven Sorrows
    110. 饮马长城窟行
    111. I Water My Steed
    112. 赠从弟(三首其二)
    113. The Pine-to My Cousin (II)
    114. 室思(六首其三)
    115. A Wife's Thoughts (III)
    116. 定情诗
    117. A Woman's Love
    118. 燕歌行(二首其一)
    119. Song of a Lonely Wife (I)
    120. 箜篌引
    121. Song of the Harp
    122. 名都篇
    123. Song of the Capital
    124. 美女篇
    125. Song of a Beauty
    126. 白马篇
    127. Song of the White Horse
    128. 赠白马王彪
    129. Song to the Prince of White Horse
    130. 送应氏(二首其一)
    131. Parting With Ying at Luoyang (I)
    132. 杂诗(七首其四)
    133. Seven Poems (IV)
    134. 七哀
    135. Lament
    136. 七步诗
    137. Written While Taking Seven Paces
    138. 赠兄秀才从军(十八首其九)
    139. To My Brother Giving up the Pen for the Sword (Ⅸ )
    140. 咏怀诗(八十二首其一)
    141. Reflections (I)
    142. 咏怀诗(八十二首其三)
    143. Reflections (Ⅲ )
    144. 车遥遥篇
    145. The Carriages Roll
    146. 情诗(五首其三)
    147. Love Poems (III)
    148. 情诗(五首其五)
    149. Love Poems (V)
    150. 悼亡诗(三首其一)
    151. Elegy on My Wife (I)
    152. 王明君辞
    153. Song of the Bright Lady
    154. 赴洛道中作(二首其二)
    155. On My Way to Luoyang (II)
    156. 咏史(八首其一)
    157. On History (I)
    158. 咏史(八首其二)
    159. On History (II)
    160. 思吴江歌
    161. Thinking of the Eastern Stream
    162. 七哀诗(二首其一)
    163. Song of Seven Sorrows (I)
    164. 扶风歌
    165. Riding the Wind
    166. 游仙诗(十四首其一)
    167. Song of Immortals (I)
    168. 兰亭诗(六首其三)
    169. In Orchid Pavilion (III)
    170. 咏雪联句
    171. Snow
    172. 神情诗
    173. Spirit of the Four Seasons
    174. 时运(四首其一)
    175. Spring Excursion (I)
    176. 时运(四首其二)
    177. Spring Excursion (II)
    178. 归园田居(五首其三)
    179. Return to Nature (III)
    180. 乞食
    181. Begging for Food
    182. 移居(二首其一)
    183. Moving House (I)
    184. 饮酒(二十首其五)
    185. Drinking Wine (V)
    186. 责子
    187. Blaming Sons
    188. 咏贫士(七首其一)
    189. A Poor Scholar (I)
    190. 拟挽歌辞(三首其一)
    191. An Elegy for Myself (I)
    192. 过始宁墅
    193. Passing My Ancestral Estate
    194. 登池上楼
    195. On Poolside Tower
    196. 石壁精舍还湖中作
    197. Written on the Lake, Returning from Stone Clif
    198. 岁暮
    199. The Year's End
    200. 东阳溪中赠答二首
    201. Exchange of Verse on the Stream
    202. 代出自蓟北门行
    203. Song of Northern Frontier
    204. 拟行路难(十八首其四)
    205. In Imitation of the Weary Way (IV)
    206. 梅花落
    207. The Mume Blossoms
    208. 赠傅都曹别
    209. Farewell to Secretary Fu
    210. 玉阶怨
    211. Grief of a Lonely Palace Maid
    212. 王孙游
    213. A Longing Wife
    214. 游东田
    215. Excursion on Eastern Fields
    216. 暂使下都夜发新林至京邑赠西府同僚
    217. River Journey from the West to the Capital
    218. 晚登三山还望京邑
    219. Gazing at Dusk on the Capital from the Three Peaks
    220. 子夜歌二首
    221. Midnight Songs
    222. 江南弄
    223. Song of the Southern Shore
    224. 之零陵郡次新亭
    225. Moored at New Tower
    226. 别诗
    227. Farewell Town
    228. 古离别
    229. After Parting
    230. 临高台
    231. On the Height
    232. 夜夜曲
    233. Night after Night
    234. 咏湖中雁
    235. Wild Geese on the Lake
    236. 伤谢朓
    237. Lament for Xie Tiao
    238. 六忆诗四首
    239. Six Recollections
    240. 江南曲
    241. A Southern Song
    242. 酬范记室云
    243. Reply to Fan Yun
    244. 相送
    245. At Parting
    246. 春咏
    247. Song of Spring
    248. 入若耶溪
    249. On River Yoya
    250. 渡青草湖
    251. Crossing Green Grass Lake
    252. 晚出新亭
    253. Leaving New Tower at Dusk
    254. 关山月(二首其一)
    255. The Moon over the Mountain Pass (I)
    256. 长安听百舌
    257. On Hearing a Blackbird in the North
    258. 渡河北
    259. Crossing the Yellow River to the North
    260. 入关故人别
    261. Seeing a Friend off South
    262. 拟咏怀(二十七首其二十六)
    263. Reflections (XXVI)
    264. 舟中望月
    265. The Moon Viewed from the Boat
    266. 重别周尚书(二首其一)
    267. Parting Again with Secretary Zhou (I)
    268. 春江花月夜(二首其一)
    269. The River on a Moonlit Night in Blooming Spring (I)
    270. 野望
    271. A Field View
    272. 南北朝民歌
      1. 子夜歌
      2. Midnight Song
      3. 子夜四时歌
      4. Midnight Songs (Four Seasons)
      5. 木兰诗
      6. Song of Mulan
      7. 敕勒歌
      8. A Shepherd's Song
  11. 许渊冲译唐宋词一百首:汉文、英文
    1. 封面
    2. 信息
    3. 目录
    4. 致敬译界巨匠许渊冲先生
    5. 译序
    6. 鹊踏枝
    7. Tune: The Magpie on a Branch
    8. 摊破浣溪沙
    9. Tune: Broken Form of Sand of Silk-washing Stream
    10. 菩萨蛮
    11. Tune: Buddhist Dancers
    12. 忆秦娥
    13. Tune: Dream of a Maid of Honour
    14. 长相思
    15. Tune: Everlasting Longing
    16. 渔歌子
    17. Tune: A Fisherman’s Song
    18. 竹枝词
    19. Tune: Bamboo Branch Song
    20. 浪淘沙
    21. Tune: Ripples Sifting Sand
    22. 梦江南
    23. Tune: Dreaming of the South
    24. 河传
    25. Tune: From the River
    26. 忆江南
    27. Tune: The South Recalled
    28. 菩萨蛮
    29. Tune: Buddhist Dancers
    30. 南乡子
    31. Tune: Song of a Southern Country
    32. 酒泉子
    33. Tune: Fountain of Wine
    34. 谒金门
    35. Tune: Paying Homage at the Golden Gate
    36. 破阵子
    37. Tune: Dance of the Cavalry
    38. 相见欢
    39. Tune: Joy at Meeting
    40. 乌夜啼
    41. Tune: Crows Crying at Night
    42. 浪淘沙
    43. Tune: Ripples Sifting Sand
    44. 虞美人
    45. Tune: The Beautiful Lady Yu
    46. 长相思
    47. Tune: Everlasting Longing
    48. 酒泉子
    49. Tune: Fountain of Wine
    50. 昼夜乐
    51. Tune: Joy of Day and Night
    52. 雨霖铃
    53. Tune: Bells Ringing in the Rain
    54. 望海潮
    55. Tune: Watching the Tidal Bore
    56. 八声甘州
    57. Tune: Eight Beats of a Ganzhou Song
    58. 渔家傲
    59. Tune: Pride of Fishermen
    60. 苏幕遮
    61. Tune: Screened by Southern Curtain
    62. 玉楼春
    63. Tune: Spring in Jade Pavilion
    64. 浣溪沙
    65. Tune: Sand of Silk-washing Stream
    66. 破阵子
    67. Tune: Dance of the Cavalry
    68. 离亭燕
    69. Tune: Swallows Leaving Pavilion
    70. 生查子
    71. Tune: Mountain Hawthorn
    72. 蝶恋花
    73. Tune: Butterflies Lingering over Flowers
    74. 桂枝香
    75. Tune: Fragrance of Laurel Branch
    76. 南乡子
    77. Tune: Song of a Southern Country
    78. 卜算子
    79. Tune: Song of Divination
    80. 虞美人
    81. Tune: The Beautiful Lady Yu
    82. 江城子
    83. Tune: A Riverside Town
    84. 江城子
    85. Tune: A Riverside Town
    86. 水调歌头
    87. Tune: Prelude to the Melody of Water
    88. 浣溪沙
    89. Tune: Sand of Silk-washing Stream
    90. 浣溪沙
    91. Tune: Sand of Silk-washing Stream
    92. 永遇乐
    93. Tune: Joy of Eternal Union
    94. 西江月
    95. Tune: The Moon over the West River
    96. 定风波
    97. Tune: Calming the Waves
    98. 念奴娇
    99. Tune: Charm of a Maiden Singer
    100. 临江仙
    101. Tune: Immortal at the River
    102. 水龙吟
    103. Tune: Water Dragon Chant
    104. 蝶恋花
    105. Tune: Butterflies Lingering over Flowers
    106. 卜算子
    107. Tune: Song of Divination
    108. 清平乐
    109. Tune: Pure Serene Music
    110. 鹊桥仙
    111. Tune: Immortal at the Magpie Bridge
    112. 踏莎行
    113. Tune: Treading on Grass
    114. 捣练子
    115. Tune: Song of Broken Chains
    116. 鹧鸪天
    117. Tune: The Partridge Sky
    118. 苏幕遮
    119. Tune: Screened by Southern Curtain
    120. 蝶恋花
    121. Tune: Butterflies Lingering over Flowers
    122. 相见欢
    123. Tune: Joy at Meeting
    124. 如梦令
    125. Tune: Like A Dream
    126. 一剪梅
    127. Tune: A Twig of Mume Blossoms
    128. 醉花阴
    129. Tune: Tipsy in the Flower’s Shade
    130. 渔家傲
    131. Tune: Pride of Fishermen
    132. 凤凰台上忆吹箫
    133. Tune: Playing Flute Recalled on Phoenix Terrace
    134. 声声慢
    135. Tune: Slow, Slow Tune
    136. 永遇乐
    137. Tune: Joy of Eternal Union
    138. 临江仙
    139. Tune: Immortal at the River
    140. 贺新郎
    141. Tune: Congratulating the Bridegroom
    142. 满江红
    143. Tune: The River All Red
    144. 满江红
    145. Tune: The River All Red
    146. 小重山
    147. Tune: Manifold Little Hill
    148. 钗头凤
    149. Tune: Phoenix Hairpin
    150. 诉衷情
    151. Tune: Telling of Innermost Feelings
    152. 卜算子
    153. Tune: Song of Divination
    154. 念奴娇
    155. Tune: The Charm of A Maiden Singer
    156. 西江月
    157. Tune: The Moon over the West River
    158. 水龙吟
    159. Tune: Water Dragon Chant
    160. 菩萨蛮
    161. Tune: Buddhist Dancers
    162. 摸鱼儿
    163. Tune: Groping for Fish
    164. 清平乐
    165. Tune: Pure Serene Music
    166. 清平乐
    167. Tune: Pure Serene Music
    168. 采桑子
    169. Tune: Song of Picking Mulberry
    170. 青玉案
    171. Tune: Green Jade Cup
    172. 破阵子
    173. Tune: Dance of the Cavalry
    174. 西江月
    175. Tune: The Moon over the West River
    176. 西江月
    177. Tune: The Moon over the West River
    178. 鹧鸪天
    179. Tune: The Partridge Sky
    180. 永遇乐
    181. Tune: Joy of Eternal Union
    182. 南乡子
    183. Tune: Song of a Southern Country
    184. 水调歌头
    185. Tune: Prelude to Water Melody
    186. 西江月
    187. Tune: The Moon over the West River
    188. 扬州慢
    189. Tune: Slow Tune of Yangzhou
    190. 鹧鸪天
    191. Tune: The Partridge Sky
    192. 玉楼春
    193. Tune: Spring in Jade Pavilion
    194. 八声甘州
    195. Tune:Eight Beats of a Ganzhou Song
    196. 风入松
    197. Tune: Wind through Pines
    198. 柳梢青
    199. Tune: Green Tip of Willow Branch
    200. 念奴娇
    201. Tune: Charm of a Maiden Singer
    202. 沁园春
    203. Tune: Spring in the Garden of Qin
    204. 清平乐
    205. Tune: Pure Serene Music
  12. 许渊冲译千家诗:汉文、英文
    1. 封面
    2. 信息
    3. 目录
    4. 译序
    5. 七言绝句
      1. 春日偶成
      2. Impromptu Lines Written on a Spring Day
      3. 春日
      4. A Spring Day
      5. 春宵
      6. Spring Night
      7. 城东早春
      8. Early Spring in the East Town
      9. 春夜
      10. A Spring Night
      11. 初春小雨
      12. Light Rain in Early Spring
      13. 元日
      14. The Lunar New Year's Day
      15. 上元侍宴
      16. Royal Banquet on Lantern Festival
      17. 立春偶成
      18. Impromptu Lines Written on the Spring Day
      19. 打球图
      20. Picture of Ball Playing
      21. 清平调词(三首其一)
      22. The Beautiful Lady Yang (I)
      23. 题邸间壁
      24. Written on the Wall of an Inn
      25. 绝句
      26. A Quatrain
      27. 海棠
      28. Crabapple Flower
      29. 清明
      30. The Mourning Day
      31. 清明
      32. The Mourning Day
      33. 社日
      34. A Rural Feast
      35. 寒食
      36. Cold Food Day
      37. 江南春
      38. Spring on the Southern Rivershore
      39. 上高侍郎
      40. For Vice-minister Gao
      41. 绝句
      42. A Quatrain
      43. 游园不值
      44. A Closed Garden
      45. 客中行
      46. For My Host
      47. 题屏
      48. Written on a Screen
      49. 漫兴
      50. Written at Random
      51. 庆全庵桃花
      52. Peach Blossoms in a Convent
      53. 玄都观桃花
      54. Peach Blossoms in the Taoist Temple
      55. 再游玄都观
      56. The Taoist Temple Revisited
      57. 滁州西涧
      58. On the West Stream of Chuzhou
      59. 花影
      60. Shadows of Flowers
      61. 北山
      62. The Northern Mountain
      63. 湖上
      64. On the Lake
      65. 漫兴
      66. Written at Random
      67. 春晴
      68. After the Rain
      69. 春暮
      70. Late Spring
      71. 落花
      72. Fallen Flowers
      73. 春暮游小园
      74. Visiting a Small Garden in Late Spring
      75. 莺梭
      76. The Shuttling Orioles
      77. 暮春即事
      78. One Day in Late Spring
      79. 登山
      80. Mountain-climbing
      81. 蚕妇吟
      82. Song of the Silkworm Breeders
      83. 晚春
      84. Late Spring
      85. 伤春
      86. Grief in Spring
      87. 送春
      88. Won't Spring Come Back
      89. 三月晦日送春
      90. The Last Day of Late Spring
      91. 客中初夏
      92. Early Summer
      93. 有约
      94. A Promise Unkept
      95. 初夏睡起
      96. After a Nap in Early Summer
      97. 三衢道中
      98. On My Way in the Mountains
      99. 即景
      100. The Scene in View
      101. 初夏游张园
      102. A Pleasure Garden in Early Summer
      103. 鄂州南楼书事
      104. The Southern Tower
      105. 山亭夏日
      106. A Pavilion in the Mountain on a Summer Day
      107. 田家
      108. A Peasant's Family
      109. 村居即事
      110. Rural Life
      111. 题榴花
      112. Pomegranate Flowers
      113. 村晚
      114. Rural Scene at Dusk
      115. 书湖阴先生壁
      116. Written on My Neighbor's Wall
      117. 乌衣巷
      118. The Street of Mansions
      119. 送元二使安西
      120. A Farewell Song
      121. 题北榭碑
      122. On Hearing the Flute in Yellow Crane Tower
      123. 题淮南寺
      124. Written in the Temple South of River Huai
      125. 秋月
      126. Autumn Moon
      127. 七夕
      128. The Double Seventh Eve
      129. 立秋
      130. The Autumn Day
      131. 七夕
      132. The Double Seventh Night
      133. 中秋月
      134. The Mid-autumn Moon
      135. 江楼有感
      136. On the Riverside Tower
      137. 题临安邸
      138. Written in the New Capital
      139. 晓出净慈送林子方
      140. The Lakeside Temple at Dawn
      141. 饮湖上初晴后雨
      142. Drinking on West Lake Rain or Shine
      143. 入直
      144. In Attendance
      145. 夏日登车盖亭
      146. A Summer Day in the Pavilion
      147. 直玉堂作
      148. On Duty in the Jade Hall
      149. 竹楼
      150. Bamboo Cottage
      151. 直中书省
      152. On Duty in the Cabinet
      153. 观书有感
      154. The Book
      155. 泛舟
      156. The Floating Ship
      157. 冷泉亭
      158. Cold Fountain Pavilion
      159. 冬景
      160. Winter Scene
      161. 枫桥夜泊
      162. Mooring by the Maple Bridge at Night
      163. 寒夜
      164. Winter Night
      165. 霜月
      166. Moon and Frost
      167. Mume Blossoms
      168. 早春
      169. Early Spring
      170. 雪梅(二首其一)
      171. Mume and Snow (I)
      172. 雪梅(二首其二)
      173. Mume and Snow (II)
      174. 答钟弱翁
      175. A Cowherd's Song
      176. 秦淮夜泊
      177. Moored on River Qinhuai at Night
      178. 归雁
      179. To the Returning Wild Geese
      180. 题壁
      181. Written on the Wall
    6. 七言律诗
      1. 早朝大明宫
      2. Morning Levee
      3. 和贾舍人早朝
      4. Reply to Jia Zhi's Morning Levee
      5. 和贾舍人早朝
      6. Reply to Jia Zhi's Morning Levee
      7. 和贾舍人早朝
      8. Reply to Jia Zhi's Morning Levee
      9. 上元应制
      10. Lantern Festival
      11. 上元应制
      12. Lantern Festival
      13. 侍宴
      14. At Royal Banquet
      15. 答丁元珍
      16. Reply to a Banished Friend
      17. 插花吟
      18. Song of Flower Spray
      19. 寓意
      20. To One Unnamed
      21. 寒食书事
      22. Cold Food Day in the Southern Land
      23. 清明
      24. The Mourning Day
      25. 清明
      26. The Mourning Day
      27. 郊行即事
      28. An Excursion
      29. 秋千
      30. The Swing
      31. 曲江(二首其一)
      32. The Winding River (I)
      33. 曲江(二首其二)
      34. The Winding River (II)
      35. 黄鹤楼
      36. Yellow Crane Tower
      37. 旅怀
      38. Nostalgia
      39. 答李儋
      40. For Li Dan
      41. 江村
      42. The Riverside Village
      43. 夏日
      44. Summer Days
      45. 积雨辋川庄作
      46. Rainy Days in My Riverside Hermitage
      47. 新竹
      48. New Bamboos
      49. 表兄话旧
      50. For My Cousin
      51. 偶成
      52. Written at Random
      53. 游月陂
      54. The Moon-shape Dyke
      55. 秋兴(八首其一)
      56. Autumn Thoughts (I)
      57. 秋兴(八首其三)
      58. Autumn Thoughts (III)
      59. 秋兴(八首其五)
      60. Autumn Thoughts (V)
      61. 秋兴(八首其七)
      62. Autumn Thoughts (VII)
      63. 月夜舟中
      64. In the Boat on a Moonlit Night
      65. 长安秋望
      66. Autumn in the Capital
      67. 新秋
      68. Early Autumn
      69. 中秋
      70. The Mid-autumn Night
      71. 九日蓝田会饮
      72. Drinking with Friends at Blue Field on Mountain-climbing Day
      73. 秋思
      74. Autumn Thoughts
      75. 与朱山人
      76. For a Riverside Hermit
      77. 闻笛
      78. Hearing the Flute
      79. 冬景
      80. Winter Scene
      81. 小至
      82. Winter Solstice
      83. 山园小梅
      84. To the Mume Blossoms in a Garden
      85. 自咏
      86. For My Nephew
      87. 干戈
      88. Spears and Shields
      89. 归隐
      90. My Hermitage
      91. 时世行赠田妇
      92. For a Widow in the Mountains
    7. 五言绝句
      1. 春晓
      2. Spring Morning
      3. 访袁拾遗不遇
      4. For Censor Yuan
      5. 送郭司仓
      6. Farewell to a Friend
      7. 洛阳道
      8. The Broadway to the East Capital
      9. 独坐敬亭山
      10. Sitting Alone in Face of Peak Jingting
      11. 登鹳鹊楼
      12. On the Stork Tower
      13. 观永乐公主入蕃
      14. Princess Yongle on the Frontier
      15. 伊州词
      16. Frontier Song
      17. 左掖梨花
      18. The Pear Blossom in Left Palace
      19. 思君恩
      20. Imperial Favor Lost
      21. 题袁氏别业
      22. Yuan's Garden
      23. 夜送赵纵
      24. Farewell at Night
      25. 竹里馆
      26. The Bamboo Hut
      27. 送朱大入秦
      28. Farewell to Zhu
      29. 长干行
      30. A Boatwoman's Song
      31. 咏史
      32. On Reading History
      33. 罢相作
      34. After My Resignation
      35. 逢侠者
      36. A Swordsman
      37. 江行望匡庐
      38. Mount Lu Viewed in Rain
      39. 答李浣
      40. Reply to Li Huan
      41. 秋风引
      42. Song of the Autumn Breeze
      43. 秋夜寄丘员外
      44. For a Hermit on an Autumn Night
      45. 秋日
      46. A Lonely Autumn Day
      47. 秋日湖上
      48. An Autumn Day on the Lake
      49. 宫中题
      50. Written in the Palace
      51. 寻隐者不遇
      52. A Note Left for an Absent Recluse
      53. 汾上惊秋
      54. Autumn on River Fen
      55. 蜀道后期
      56. My Delayed Departure for the Capital
      57. 静夜思
      58. A Still Night
      59. 秋浦歌
      60. My White Hair
      61. 赠乔侍御
      62. For Imperial Procurator Qiao
      63. 答武陵太守
      64. Reply to Prefect of Wuling
      65. 行军九日思长安故园
      66. Nostalgia on Mountain-climbing Day
      67. 婕妤怨
      68. Complaint of a Palace Maid
      69. 题竹林寺
      70. The Temple of Bamboo Grove
      71. 三闾庙
      72. The Temple of Qu Yuan
      73. 易水送别
      74. Adieu on River Yi
      75. 别卢秦卿
      76. Farewell to a Friend
      77. 答人
      78. A Reply
    8. 五言律诗
      1. 幸蜀西至剑门
      2. The Sword Gate
      3. 早春游望
      4. Excursion in Early Spring
      5. 奉敕咏终南山
      6. Eternal Southern Mountain Written by Royal Order
      7. 春夜别友人
      8. Farewell to a Friend on a Spring Night
      9. 长宁公主东庄侍宴
      10. Royal Banquet at the Princess' Villa
      11. 恩赐丽正殿书院赐宴应制得林字
      12. Banquet at the Imperial Library
      13. 送友人
      14. Farewell to a Friend
      15. 送友人入蜀
      16. For a Friend Leaving for Shu
      17. 次北固山下
      18. Passing by the Northern Mountains
      19. 苏氏别业
      20. For a Friend's Villa
      21. 春宿左省
      22. On Duty at Night in Left Palace
      23. 题玄武禅师屋壁
      24. Written on the Pictures Painted on a Temple Wall
      25. 终南山
      26. Mount Eternal South
      27. 寄左省杜拾遗
      28. For Du Fu
      29. 登总持阁
      30. The Mountainside Bower
      31. 登兖州城楼
      32. On the Watchtower of Yanzhou
      33. 送杜少府之任蜀州
      34. Farewell to Prefect Du
      35. 送崔融
      36. Farewell to Secretary Cui
      37. 扈从登封途中作
      38. On My Way to Mount Song
      39. 题义公禅房
      40. Written for an Abbot's Cell
      41. 醉后赠张九旭
      42. For the Drunken Calligrapher
      43. 玉台观
      44. The Jade-terrace Temple
      45. 观山水图
      46. Written on a Picture of Fairy Isles
      47. 旅夜书怀
      48. Mooring at Night
      49. 登岳阳楼
      50. On Yueyang Tower
      51. 江南旅情
      52. Nostalgia on Southern Rivershore
      53. 宿龙兴寺
      54. Passing the Night at Dragon Temple
      55. 破山寺后禅院
      56. The Abbot's Cell in the Old Temple
      57. 题松汀驿
      58. Written on the Wall of a Post
      59. 圣果寺
      60. Temple of Sacred Fruit
      61. 野望
      62. A Field View
      63. 送别崔著作东征
      64. Farewell to Secretary Cui On his Eastern Expedition
      65. 携妓纳凉(二首其一)
      66. Boating with Dancers (I)
      67. 携妓纳凉(二首其二)
      68. Boating with Dancers (II)
      69. 宿云门寺阁
      70. Passing the Night at Cloudy Temple
      71. 秋登宣城谢朓北楼
      72. Ascending the North Tower One Autumn Day
      73. 临洞庭
      74. On Dongting Lake
      75. 过香积寺
      76. The Temple of Incense
      77. 送郑侍御谪闽中
      78. For a Friend Banished Southeast
      79. 秦州杂诗
      80. Miscellaneous Poem on the Frontier
      81. 禹庙
      82. Temple of Emperor Yu
      83. 同王征君洞庭有怀
      84. Reply to a Friend on Dongting Lake
      85. 望秦川
      86. The Western Plain
      87. 渡扬子江
      88. Crossing the Yangzi River
      89. 幽州夜饮
      90. Drinking at Night
  13. 许渊冲译元明清诗:汉文、英文
    1. 封面
    2. 信息
    3. 目录
    4. 落花
    5. Fallen Flowers
    6. 博浪沙
    7. The Hammer Blow
    8. 江天暮雪
    9. Snow on the River at Dusk
    10. 金山寺
    11. To the Temple of Golden Hill
    12. 居庸叠翠
    13. The Mountain Pass
    14. 感旧歌者
    15. A Songster on West Lake
    16. 白雁行
    17. Song of the White Wild Geese
    18. 山家
    19. Mountainside Cottage
    20. 观梅有感
    21. On Seeing the Mume Flower
    22. 山中月夕
    23. A Moonlit Night in the Mountains
    24. 岳鄂王墓
    25. The Tomb of General Yue Fei
    26. 绝句
    27. Spring Grief
    28. 纪旧游
    29. An Excursion Recalled
    30. 绝句
    31. A Quatrain
    32. 宗阳宫望月
    33. The Moon Viewed from the Taoist Hall
    34. 宿浚仪公湖亭(四首其二)
    35. Written in the Lakeside Pavilion (II)
    36. 到京师
    37. In the Capital
    38. 暮春游西湖北山
    39. Late Spring on Northern Hills by West Lake
    40. 离扬州
    41. Leaving Yang Zhou
    42. 掘冢歌
    43. Song of Grave-digging
    44. 白翎雀歌
    45. Song of White-plumed Skylarks
    46. 院中独坐
    47. Sitting Alone in the Courtyard
    48. 挽文丞相
    49. Elegy on Premier Wen Tianxiang
    50. 寒食日
    51. On Cold Food Day
    52. 送袁伯长扈从上京
    53. To Historian Yuan in Imperial Train
    54. 夏五月武昌舟中触目
    55. Boating in Summer
    56. 和欧阳南阳月夜思
    57. A Moonlit Night
    58. 别武昌
    59. On Leaving Wuchang
    60. 寒夜
    61. Cold Night
    62. 归舟
    63. On River Gan
    64. 湖州竹枝词
    65. Bamboo Branch Song
    66. 芦花被
    67. A Quilt of Reed Catkins
    68. 桃花岩
    69. Peach Blossom Mountain
    70. 别离情
    71. On Parting Grief
    72. 应教题梅
    73. On Mume Blossoms
    74. 梅花
    75. To Mume Blossoms
    76. 漫成
    77. Written at Random
    78. 相思
    79. Lovesickness
    80. 庐山瀑布谣
    81. Waterfall of Mount Lu
    82. 西湖竹枝歌词(九首其四)
    83. West Lake’s Bamboo Branch Songs (IV)
    84. 竹枝词(五首其二)
    85. Bamboo Branch Songs (II)
    86. 竹枝词(五首其三)
    87. Bamboo Branch Songs (III)
    88. 燕姬曲
    89. Song of a Northern Beauty
    90. 芙蓉曲
    91. Song of Lotus Flower
    92. 上京即事(五首其三)
    93. Frontier Songs (III)
    94. 上京即事(五首其四)
    95. Frontier Songs (IV)
    96. 石夫人
    97. The Lady of Stone
    98. 严陵钓台
    99. The Fishing Site of Yan Guang
    100. 越歌
    101. A Southern Song
    102. 晓行
    103. A Morning Trip
    104. 春蚕
    105. The Silkworm
    106. 五月十九日大雨
    107. Pouring Rain on the 19th Day of the 5th Moon
    108. 客中夜坐
    109. Sitting at Night in an Alien Land
    110. 天平山中
    111. In Flat-top Mountain
    112. 岳阳楼
    113. The Yueyang Tower
    114. 燕山春暮
    115. Late Spring in the North
    116. 雨后慰池上芙蓉
    117. To Lotus Blooms after Rain
    118. 水上盥手
    119. Washing My Hands
    120. 梅花
    121. To the Mume Blossom
    122. 寻胡隐君
    123. On a Visit
    124. 田舍夜舂
    125. Husking Rice
    126. 赴广西别甥彭云路
    127. For My Nephew
    128. 应召赴京道上有作
    129. On My Way to the Capital
    130. 石灰吟
    131. Song of the Lime
    132. 除夜宿太原寒甚
    133. On a Cold New Year’s Eve
    134. 折花仕女
    135. A Beauty Plucking Flowers
    136. 游岳麓寺
    137. The Mountainside Temple
    138. 口号(三首其一)
    139. Orally Composed Stanzas (I)
    140. 口号(三首其二)
    141. Orally Composed Stanzas (II)
    142. 新春日
    143. A Spring Day
    144. 阊门即事
    145. The Western Gate of Suzhou
    146. 感怀
    147. Reflections
    148. 桃花庵歌
    149. Song of Peach Blossom Cottage
    150. 一年歌
    151. Song of a Year
    152. 石湖
    153. The Lake of Stone
    154. 秋望
    155. Autumn on the Frontier
    156. 泛海
    157. On a Stormy Sea
    158. 古陵
    159. Ancient Tombs
    160. 重赠吴国宾
    161. For a Home-going Friend
    162. 偶见
    163. A Roadside View
    164. 秋江词
    165. Song of the Autumn River
    166. The Willow
    167. 又寄升庵
    168. To My Husband
    169. 秋日怀弟
    170. Missing My Younger Brother on an Autumn Day
    171. 对月感秋
    172. The Autumn Moon
    173. 于郡城送明卿之江西
    174. Farewell to a Banished Friend
    175. 登泰山
    176. On Mount Tai
    177. 杨妃春睡图
    178. The Sleeping Beauty
    179. 戚将军赠宝剑歌
    180. General Qi’s Sword
    181. 独坐
    182. Sitting Alone
    183. 晓征
    184. March at Dawn
    185. 七夕醉答君东
    186. The Peony Pavilion
    187. 枕石
    188. Pillowing on a Stone
    189. 东阿道中晚望
    190. Evening View
    191. 夜泉
    192. Fountain in Moonlight
    193. 读《牡丹亭》绝句
    194. On Reading The Peony Pavilion
    195. 孟秋十三夜
    196. On the 13th Night of the 7th Moon (I)
    197. 别云间
    198. Adieu, My Homeland
    199. 留题秦淮丁家水阁
    200. View from the Garden of Ding
    201. 咏同心兰
    202. The Orchid Flower
    203. 西湖
    204. West Lake
    205. 与儿子雍
    206. To My Son before My Death
    207. 临别口号遍谢弥天大人谬知我者
    208. To My Readers before My Death
    209. 圆圆曲
    210. Song of the Beautiful Yuanyuan
    211. 阻雪
    212. Stopped by Snow on My Northward Way
    213. 哭亡姬乔氏
    214. Heart-broken Song
    215. 独往
    216. Going Alone
    217. 塞下曲
    218. A Frontier Song
    219. 舟中见猎犬有感
    220. A Hound Seen in a Boat
    221. 上巳将过金陵
    222. Passing by Jinling on the 3rd Day of the 3rd Moon
    223. 自题桃花杨柳图
    224. On a Picture of Peach Blossoms and Willow Trees
    225. 内人生日
    226. On My Wife’s Birthday
    227. 雪中阁望
    228. Snow Scene Viewed from the Pavilion
    229. 悼亡(四首其一)
    230. Elegy on My Deceased Wife (I)
    231. 客发苕溪
    232. On My Native Stream
    233. 来青轩
    234. The Green Pavilion
    235. 花前
    236. Before the Flowers
    237. 再过露筋祠
    238. Passing Again by the Virgin’s Temple
    239. 秦淮杂诗
    240. On River Qinhuai
    241. 次韵答王司寇阮亭先生见赠
    242. Reply to Wang Shizhen
    243. 客愁
    244. Homesickness
    245. 北固山看大江
    246. The Grand River Viewed from the Northern Mountain
    247. 《桃花扇传奇》题词
    248. On Reading Peach Blossom Fan
    249. 青溪口号
    250. Orally Composed on the Blue Stream
    251. 秣陵怀古
    252. On the Capital of Yore
    253. 秋暮吟望
    254. Late Autumn
    255. 过许州
    256. Passing by Xuzhou
    257. The Willow
    258. 湖楼题壁
    259. In Lakeside Pavilion
    260. 竹石
    261. Bamboo in the Rock
    262. 潍县署中画竹
    263. Written on a Picture of Bamboo
    264. 闻蛙
    265. Hearing Frogs
    266. 黛玉葬花辞
    267. Lin Daiyu’s Elegy on Flowers
    268. 马嵬
    269. On Lady Yang
    270. 遣兴
    271. On Verse Writing
    272. The Chickens
    273. 推窗
    274. On Pushing Open the Window
    275. 哭聪娘
    276. Elegy on My Wise Mistress
    277. 富春至严陵
    278. On River Rich Spring
    279. 题画
    280. Written on a Picture
    281. 论诗
    282. On Poetry
    283. 赠曹雪芹
    284. To Cao Xueqin
    285. 江上竹枝词
    286. Bamboo Branch Song on the River
    287. 游圭峰
    288. The Peak of Jade
    289. 别老母
    290. Parting from My Old Mother
    291. 新雷
    292. The First Thunder
    293. 出嘉峪关感赋
    294. The Westernmost Stronghold
    295. 己亥杂诗(三一五其五)
    296. Miscellanies of the Year 1839 (V)
    297. 己亥杂诗(三一五其一二五)
    298. Miscellanies of the Year 1839 (CXXV)
    299. 自沾益出宣威入东川
    300. On Journey in Yunnan
    301. 日本杂事诗
    302. Mount Fuji in Japan
    303. 晨登衡岳祝融峰
    304. At Dawn Atop the Highest Peak of the Southern Mountain
    305. 新风歌
    306. Song of the Autumn Wind
  14. 许渊冲译古今诗歌一百首:汉文,英文
    1. 封面
    2. 信息
    3. 目录
    4. 致敬译界巨匠许渊冲先生
    5. 译序
    6. Translator’s Preface
    7. 饮马长城窟行
    8. A Longing Wife
    9. 胡笳十八拍
    10. Eighteen Stanzas of a Lute Song(I)
    11. 七步诗
    12. Written While Taking Seven Paces
    13. 饮酒
    14. Drinking Wine(V)
    15. 赋萧瑀
    16. On Xiao Yu
    17. 送杜少府之任蜀州
    18. Farewell to Prefect Du
    19. 回乡偶书
    20. Home-Coming(I)
    21. 回乡偶书
    22. Home-Coming(II)
    23. 登幽州台歌
    24. On the Tower at Youzhou
    25. 凉州词
    26. Starting for the Front
    27. 登鹳雀楼
    28. On the Stock Tower
    29. 出塞
    30. Out of the Great Wall
    31. 春晓
    32. Spring Morning
    33. 出塞
    34. On the Frontier
    35. 闺怨
    36. Sorrow of a Young Bride in Her Boudoir
    37. 芙蓉楼送辛渐
    38. Farewell to Xin Jian at Lotus Tower
    39. 九月九日忆山东兄弟
    40. Thinking of My Brothers on Mountain-climbing Day
    41. 相思
    42. Love Seeds
    43. 杂诗
    44. Our Native place
    45. 渭城曲
    46. A Farewell Song
    47. 静夜思
    48. Thoughts on a Tranquil Night
    49. 黄鹤楼送孟浩然之广陵
    50. Seeing Meng Haoran off at Yellow Crane Tower
    51. 早发白帝城
    52. Leaving the White Emperor Town at Dawn
    53. 月下独酌
    54. Drinking Alone Under the Moon
    55. 将进酒
    56. Invitation to Wine
    57. 清平调
    58. The Beautiful Lady Yang(I)
    59. 清平调
    60. The Beautiful Lady Yang(II)
    61. 清平调
    62. The Beautiful Lady Yang(III)
    63. 黄鹤楼
    64. Yellow Crane Tower
    65. 赠花卿
    66. To General Hua
    67. 梦李白
    68. Dreaming of Li Bai(II)
    69. 春望
    70. Spring View
    71. 佳人
    72. The Fair Lady
    73. 枫桥夜泊
    74. Mooring by Maple Bridge at Night
    75. 游子吟
    76. Song of the Parting Son
    77. 早春呈水部张十八员外
    78. Early Spring Written for Secretary Zhang Ji
    79. 节妇吟
    80. Reply of a Chaste Wife
    81. 乌衣巷
    82. The Street of Mansions
    83. 悯农
    84. The Peasants(I)
    85. 悯农
    86. The Peasants(II)
    87. 赋得古原草送别
    88. Grass on the Ancient Plain—Farewell to a Friend
    89. 江雪
    90. Fishing in Snow
    91. 赠婢
    92. To the Maid of My Aunt
    93. 离思
    94. Thinking of My Dear Departed
    95. 寻隐者不遇
    96. For an Absent Recluse
    97. 题都城南庄
    98. Written in a Village South of the Capital
    99. 泊秦淮
    100. Moored on River Qinhuai
    101. 清明
    102. The Mourning Day
    103. 寒食
    104. Cold Food Day
    105. 无题
    106. Unnamed
    107. 锦瑟
    108. The Sad Zither
    109. 山亭夏日
    110. A Pavilion in the Mountain on a Summer Day
    111. 宿巾子山禅寺
    112. Passing one Night in the Mountain
    113. 赠邻女
    114. For a Neighbor’s Daughter
    115. 春夕旅怀
    116. Homesickness on a Spring Night
    117. 雨晴
    118. After the Rain
    119. 贫女
    120. A Poor Maid
    121. 金缕衣
    122. The Golden Dress
    123. 寄人
    124. To my Love
    125. 破阵子
    126. Tune:Dance of the Cavalry
    127. 浪淘沙
    128. Tune:Ripples Sifting Sand
    129. 戏答元珍
    130. Reply to a Banished Friend
    131. 有约
    132. An Appointment Unfulfilled
    133. 春日偶成
    134. Impromptu Lines on a Spring Day
    135. 秋月
    136. The Autumn Moon
    137. 饮湖上初晴后雨
    138. Drinking at the Lake,First in Sunny,Then in Rainy Weather
    139. 赠刘景文
    140. Winter Scene
    141. 声声慢
    142. Tune:Slow Slow Song
    143. 钗头凤
    144. Tune:Phoenix Hairpin
    145. 钗头凤
    146. Tune:Phoenix Hairpin
    147. 春日
    148. A Spring Day
    149. 游园不值
    150. Calling on a Friend Without Meeting Him
    151. 妒花
    152. The Crab-apple Flower
    153. 采桑子
    154. Tune:Gathering Mulberries
    155. 难得糊涂
    156. Difficult to be Mindless
    157. 满江红·思家
    158. Tune:The River All Red-Nostalgie
    159. 东归感怀
    160. Coming back from the East
    161. 梦与诗
    162. Dream and Verse
    163. 偶然
    164. A Chance Meeting
    165. 再别康桥
    166. Adieu,Cambridge!
    167. 别丢掉
    168. Don’t Cast Away
    169. 红烛
    170. The Red Candle
    171. 弃妇
    172. A Widow
    173. 我爱这土地
    174. I Love My Land
    175. 断章
    176. Fragments
    177. 向日葵
    178. The Sunflower
    179. 狼之独步
    180. A Lonely Wolf
    181. 落樱后,游阳明山
    182. Yangming Mountain when Cherry Flowers Fall
    183. 风景
    184. The Scenery
    185. 乡愁四韵
    186. Homesickness(4 Stanzas)
    187. 不雨
    188. No Rain
    189. 含笑花
    190. Smiling Flower
    191. 生命
    192. Life
    193. 五官素描之四——眼睛
    194. The Eyes
    195. 错误
    196. Mistake
    197. 流浪者
    198. A Wanderer
    199. 另一种轮回
    200. Another Transmigration
    201. 一棵开花的树
    202. A Blooming Tree
    203. 西山
    204. The Western Hills
    205. 振宁、翁帆欢度蜜月
    206. The Honeymoon of Dr.Yang and His Bride
  15. 许渊冲译李白诗选:汉文,英文
    1. 封面
    2. 信息
    3. 目录
    4. 致敬译界巨匠许渊冲先生
    5. 译序
    6. Translator’s Preface
    7. 访戴天山道士不遇
    8. Calling on a Taoist Recluse in Daitian Mountainwithout Meeting Him
    9. 登锦城散花楼
    10. On the Flowery Tower in the Town of Silk
    11. 峨眉山月歌
    12. The Moon over the Eyebrow Mountains
    13. 巴女词
    14. Song of a Woman of Ba
    15. 荆州歌
    16. The Silk Spinner
    17. 渡荆门送别
    18. Farewell Beyond the Thorn-Gate Gorge
    19. 望庐山瀑布水
    20. The Waterfall in Mount LuViewed from Afar
    21. 望庐山五老峰
    22. The Five Greybeard-like Peaks of Mount Lu Viewed from Afar
    23. 望天门山
    24. Mount Heaven’s GateViewed from Afar
    25. 杨叛儿
    26. A Love Song
    27. 长干行
    28. Ballads of a Merchant’s Wife
    29. 长干行
    30. Ballads of a Merchant’s Wife
    31. 金陵酒肆留别
    32. Parting at a Tavern in Jinling
    33. 夜下征虏亭
    34. Passing by the Triumphal Tower at Night
    35. 上李邕
    36. The Roc—to Li Yong
    37. 静夜思
    38. Thoughts on a Silent Night
    39. 黄鹤楼送孟浩然之广陵
    40. Seeing Meng Haoran off at Yellow Crane Tower
    41. 长相思
    42. Lovesickness
    43. 长相思
    44. Lovesickness
    45. 登新平楼
    46. Ascending Xinping Tower
    47. 蜀道难
    48. Hard Is the Road to Shu
    49. 行路难
    50. Hard Is the Way of the World
    51. 行路难
    52. Hard Is the Way of the World
    53. 行路难
    54. Hard Is the Way of the World
    55. 送友人入蜀
    56. To a Friend Departing for Shu
    57. 春夜洛城闻笛
    58. Hearing a Bamboo Flute on a Spring Night in Luoyang
    59. 塞下曲
    60. Frontier Song
    61. 关山月
    62. The Moon over the Mountain Pass
    63. 乌夜啼
    64. The Crows Crying at Night
    65. 春思
    66. A Faithful Wife Longing for Her Husband in Spring
    67. 三五七言
    68. Yearning
    69. 怨情
    70. Waiting in Vain
    71. 玉阶怨
    72. Waiting in Vain on Marble Steps
    73. 长门怨
    74. Sorrow of the Long Gate Palace
    75. 长门怨
    76. Sorrow of the Long Gate Palace
    77. 子夜吴歌
    78. Ballads of Four Seasons
    79. 子夜吴歌
    80. Ballads of Four Seasons
    81. 子夜吴歌
    82. Ballads of Four Seasons
    83. 子夜吴歌
    84. Ballads of Four Seasons
    85. 将进酒
    86. Invitation to Wine
    87. 赠孟浩然
    88. To Meng Haoran
    89. 夜泊牛渚怀古
    90. Thoughts on Old Time from a Night-Mooring near Cattle Hill
    91. 客中行
    92. While Journeying
    93. 陌上赠美人
    94. To a Fair Lady Encountered on the Road
    95. 登太白峰
    96. Ascending the Snow-White Peak
    97. 登广武古战场怀古
    98. Reflections on the Ancient Battlefield at Guangwu
    99. 南陵别儿童入京
    100. Parting from My Children at Nanlingfor the Capital
    101. 清平调词
    102. The Beautiful Lady Yang
    103. 清平调词
    104. The Beautiful Lady Yang
    105. 清平调词
    106. The Beautiful Lady Yang
    107. 忆东山
    108. The Eastern Hill
    109. 乌栖曲
    110. Crows Going Back to Their Nest—Satire on the King of Wu
    111. 下终南山过斛斯山人宿置酒
    112. Descending Zhongnan Mountainand Meeting Husi the Hermit
    113. 月下独酌
    114. Drinking Alone under the Moon
    115. 把酒问月
    116. Reflections on the Moon While Drinking
    117. 白云歌送刘十六归山
    118. Song of White Cloud—Farewell Song to Liu the Recluse
    119. 秋日鲁郡尧祠亭上宴别杜补阙范侍御
    120. Farewell to Two Friends in Luon an Autumn Day
    121. 鲁郡东石门送杜二甫
    122. Farewell to Du Fu at Stone Gate
    123. 沙丘城下寄杜甫
    124. To Du Fu from Sand Hill Town
    125. 戏赠杜甫
    126. Addressed Humorously to Du Fu
    127. 梦游天姥吟留别
    128. Mount SkylandAscended in a Dream—A Song of Farewell
    129. 登金陵凤凰台
    130. On Phoenix Terrace at Jinling
    131. 劳劳亭
    132. Pavilion Laolao
    133. 丁都护歌
    134. Song of the Tow-men
    135. 苏台览古
    136. The Ruin of the Gusu Palace
    137. 越中览古
    138. The Ruin of the Capital of Yue
    139. 越女词
    140. Songs of the Southern Lass
    141. 越女词
    142. Songs of the Southern Lass
    143. 越女词
    144. Songs of the Southern Lass
    145. 渌水曲
    146. Song of Green Water
    147. 闻王昌龄左迁龙标遥有此寄
    148. To Wang Changling Banished to the West
    149. 战城南
    150. Fighting South of the Town
    151. 听蜀僧濬弹琴
    152. On Hearing a Monk from ShuPlaying His Lute
    153. 寄东鲁二稚子
    154. Written for My Two Children in East Lu
    155. 秦王扫六合
    156. The Emperor of Qin
    157. 登高丘而望远海
    158. Mounting a Heightand Viewing the Sea
    159. 北风行
    160. The North Wind
    161. 横江词
    162. The Crosswise River
    163. 山中问答
    164. A Dialogue in the Mountain
    165. 自遣
    166. Solitude
    167. 独坐敬亭山
    168. Sitting Alone in Face of Peak Jingting
    169. 宣州谢朓楼饯别校书叔云
    170. Farewell to Uncle Yun,the Imperial Librarian,at Xie Tiao’s Pavilion in Xuanzhou
    171. 秋登宣城谢朓北楼
    172. On Ascending the North Tower One Autumn Day
    173. 送友人
    174. Farewell to a Friend
    175. 秋浦歌
    176. Songs of Autumn Pool
    177. 秋浦歌
    178. Songs of Autumn Pool
    179. 赠汪伦
    180. To Wang Lun Who Comes to Bid Me Farewell
    181. 哭晁卿衡
    182. Elegy on Abe Nakamaro
    183. 永王东巡歌
    184. Song of Eastern Expedition of Prince Yong
    185. 与史郎中钦听黄鹤楼上吹笛
    186. On Hearing the Flute in Yellow Crane Tower
    187. 早发白帝城
    188. Leaving the White Emperor Townfor Jiangling
    189. 与夏十二登岳阳楼
    190. Ascending the Tower of Yueyangwith Xia the Twelfth
    191. 陪族叔刑部侍郎晔及中书贾舍人至游洞庭
    192. On Lake Dongting
    193. 江上吟
    194. Song on the River
    195. 夜宿山寺
    196. The Summit Temple
    197. 庐山谣寄卢侍御虚舟
    198. Song of Mount Lu—To Censor Lu Xuzhou
    199. 豫章行
    200. Song of Yuzhang
    201. 哭宣城善酿纪叟
    202. Elegy on Master Brewer Ji of Xuancheng
    203. 宣城见杜鹃花
    204. Azalea Blooms Viewed in Xuancheng
    205. 临终歌
    206. On Death-Bed
  16. 许渊冲译杜甫诗选:汉文,英文
    1. 封面
    2. 信息
    3. 目录
    4. 译序
    5. Translator's Preface
    6. 望岳
    7. Gazing on Mount Tai
    8. 题张氏隐居 (二首其二)
    9. Written at Zhang's Hermitage ( II )
    10. 房兵曹胡马
    11. The Tartar Steed of Captain Fang
    12. 画鹰
    13. A Painted Falcon
    14. 兵车行
    15. Song of the Conscripts
    16. 赠李白
    17. To Li Bai
    18. 饮中八仙歌 (节选)
    19. Songs of Eight Immortal Drinkers ( Excerpts )
    20. 春日忆李白
    21. Thinking of Li Bai on a Spring Day
    22. 前出塞 (九首其六)
    23. Song of the Frontier ( VI )
    24. 丽人行
    25. Satire on Fair Ladies
    26. 贫交行
    27. Friendship in Poverty
    28. 后出塞 (五首其二)
    29. Song on the Frontier ( II )
    30. 自京赴奉先县咏怀五百字 (节选)
    31. On the Way from the Capital to Fengxian ( Excerpts )
    32. 月夜
    33. A Moonlit Night
    34. 悲陈陶
    35. Lament on the Defeat at Chentao
    36. 对雪
    37. Facing Snow
    38. 春望
    39. Spring View
    40. 哀江头
    41. Lament along the Winding River
    42. 喜达行在所 (三首其二)
    43. At the Temporary Imperial Court ( II )
    44. 羌村 (三首其一)
    45. Coming Back to Qiang Village ( I )
    46. 曲江[1] (二首其一)
    47. The Winding River ( I )
    48. 曲江 (二首其二)
    49. The Winding River ( II )
    50. 曲江对酒
    51. Drinking by Poolside
    52. 九日蓝田崔氏庄
    53. Mountain-climbing Day in Blue Field
    54. 日暮
    55. After Nightfall
    56. 独立
    57. Alone I Stand
    58. 赠卫八处士
    59. For Wei the Eighth
    60. 新安吏
    61. A Recruiting Sergeant at Xin'an
    62. 石壕吏
    63. The Pressgang at Stone Moat Village
    64. 潼关吏
    65. Officer at the Western Pass
    66. 新婚别
    67. Lament of the Newly Wed
    68. 垂老别
    69. Lament of an Old Man
    70. 无家别
    71. Lament of a Homeless
    72. 佳人
    73. A Fair Lady
    74. 梦李白 (二首其一)
    75. Dreaming of Li Bai ( I )
    76. 梦李白 (二首其二)
    77. Dreaming of Li Bai ( II )
    78. 秦州杂诗 (二十首其七)
    79. On the Frontier ( VII )
    80. 天末怀李白
    81. Thinking of Li Bai from the End of the Earth
    82. 月夜忆舍弟
    83. Thinking of My Brothers on a Moonlit Night
    84. 同谷七歌 (其七)
    85. Seven Songs Written in Tonggu ( VII )
    86. 病马
    87. To My Sick Horse
    88. 野望
    89. Dim Prospect
    90. 蜀相
    91. Temple of the Premier of Shu
    92. 戏题王宰画山水图歌
    93. Wang Zai's Painting of Landscape
    94. 南邻
    95. My Southern Neighbor
    96. 狂夫
    97. Unbent Mind
    98. 江村
    99. The Riverside Village
    100. 野老
    101. An Old Man by the Riverside
    102. 恨别
    103. Separation
    104. 后游
    105. The Temple Revisited
    106. 客至
    107. For a Guest
    108. 绝句漫兴 (九首其一)
    109. Quatrains Written at Random ( I )
    110. 绝句漫兴 (九首其三)
    111. Quatrains Written at Random ( III )
    112. 绝句漫兴 (九首其五)
    113. Quatrains Written at Random ( V )
    114. 绝句漫兴 (九首其七)
    115. Quatrains Written at Random ( VII )
    116. 春夜喜雨
    117. Happy Rain on a Spring Night
    118. 江亭
    119. Riverside Pavilion
    120. 琴台
    121. Wooing Lutist
    122. 水槛遣心 (二首其一)
    123. Waterside Hermitage ( I )
    124. 茅屋为秋风所破歌
    125. My Cottage Unroofed by Autumn Gales
    126. 赠花卿
    127. To General Hua
    128. 不见
    129. Longing for Li Bai
    130. 江畔独步寻花 (七首其六)
    131. Strolling Alone among Flowers by Riverside ( VI )
    132. 戏为[1]六绝句 (其二)
    133. Six Playful Quatrains ( II )
    134. 闻官军收河南河北
    135. Recapture of the Regions North and South of the Yellow River
    136. 送路六侍御入朝
    137. Seeing Secretary Lu off to Court
    138. 别房太尉[1]墓
    139. At the Graveyard of Former Prime Minister Fang
    140. 登楼
    141. On a Tower
    142. 绝句 (二首其一)
    143. Quatrains ( I )
    144. 绝句 (二首其二)
    145. Quatrains ( II )
    146. 绝句 (四首其三)
    147. Quatrains ( III )
    148. 宿府
    149. Lonely Night in the Office
    150. 倦夜
    151. Depressed Night
    152. 禹庙
    153. The Temple of Emperor Yu
    154. 旅夜书怀
    155. Mooring at Night
    156. 八阵图
    157. The Stone Fortress
    158. 秋兴 (八首其一)
    159. Reflections in Autumn ( I )
    160. 秋兴 (八首其二)
    161. Reflections in Autumn ( II )
    162. 秋兴 (八首其三)
    163. Reflections in Autumn ( III)
    164. 秋兴 (八首其四)
    165. Reflections in Autumn ( IV )
    166. 秋兴 (八首其五)
    167. Reflections in Autumn ( V )
    168. 秋兴 (八首其六)
    169. Reflections in Autumn ( VI)
    170. 秋兴 (八首其七)
    171. Reflections in Autumn ( VII )
    172. 秋兴 (八首其八)
    173. Reflections in Autumn ( VIII )
    174. 咏怀古迹 (五首其三)
    175. Thoughts on a Historic Site ( III )
    176. 阁夜
    177. Night in My Bower
    178. 孤雁
    179. A Lonely Swan
    180. 又呈吴郎
    181. For the Tenant of My Thatched Hall
    182. 九日
    183. On Mountain-climbing Day
    184. 登高
    185. On the Height
    186. 漫成一首
    187. Mooring at Night
    188. 短歌行赠王郎司直
    189. For a Young Friend
    190. 江上
    191. On the River
    192. 江汉
    193. On River Han
    194. 登岳阳楼
    195. On Yueyang Tower
    196. 南征
    197. Journey to the South
    198. 小寒食舟中作
    199. Boating after Cold Food Day
    200. 发潭州
    201. Departure from Changsha
    202. 燕子来舟中作
    203. To Swallows Coming to My Boat
    204. 江南逢李龟年
    205. Coming across a Disfavored Court Musician on the Southern Shore of the Yangtze River
  17. 许渊冲译王维诗选:汉文,英文
    1. 封面
    2. 信息
    3. 目录
    4. 译序
    5. Translator’s Preface
    6. 息夫人
    7. A Captive Lady
    8. 孟城坳
    9. The City Gate
    10. 鹿柴
    11. The Deer Enclosure
    12. 栾家濑
    13. The Rapids
    14. 白石滩
    15. White-Pebbled Shallows
    16. 竹里馆
    17. The Bamboo Hut
    18. 辛夷坞
    19. The Magnolia Dale
    20. 漆园
    21. A Petty Officer
    22. 鸟鸣涧
    23. The Dale of Singing Birds
    24. 山中送别
    25. Parting in the Hills
    26. 杂诗
    27. Our Native Place
    28. 相思
    29. Love Seed
    30. 书事
    31. Green Moss
    32. 山中
    33. In the Hills
    34. 莲花坞
    35. The Lotus Blooms
    36. 上平田
    37. The Upland Tillers
    38. 萍池
    39. The Duckweed Pool
    40. 华子冈
    41. The Mountain Ridge
    42. 文杏馆
    43. The Literary Hall
    44. 木兰柴
    45. The Magnolia Valley
    46. 临湖亭
    47. The Lakeside Pavilion
    48. 南垞
    49. The Southern Shore
    50. 欹湖
    51. The Slanted Lake
    52. 别辋川别业
    53. Leaving My Riverside Cottage
    54. 春中田园作
    55. Rural Spring
    56. 新晴野望
    57. Field View After Rain
    58. 辋川闲居赠裴秀才迪
    59. For My Outspoken Friend Pei Di in My Hermitage
    60. 酬张少府
    61. For Subprefect Zhang
    62. 送梓州李使君
    63. Seeing Governor Li Off to Zizhou
    64. 过香积寺
    65. The Temple of Incense
    66. 山居秋暝
    67. Autumn Evening in the Mountains
    68. 终南别业
    69. My Hermitage in Southern Mountain
    70. 归嵩山作
    71. Coming Back to Mount Song
    72. 终南山
    73. Mount Eternal South
    74. 观猎
    75. Hunting
    76. 汉江临泛
    77. A View of the River Han
    78. 使至塞上
    79. On Mission to the Frontier
    80. 秋夜独坐
    81. Sitting Alone on an Autumn Night
    82. 李处士山居
    83. A Scholar’s Retreat
    84. 渡河到清河
    85. Crossing the Yellow River
    86. 酬虞部苏员外过蓝田别业不见留之作
    87. For a Visitor Impromptu to My Blue Field
    88. 酬比部杨员外暮宿琴台朝跻书阁率尔见赠之作
    89. Reply to Financier Yang on His Visit to the Lute Terrace
    90. 送张五归山
    91. Seeing Zhang the Fifth Back to the Mountain
    92. 喜祖三至留宿
    93. For Zu the Third Passing the Night with Me
    94. 冬晚对雪忆胡居士家
    95. For a Buddhist Friend on a Snowing Night
    96. 归辋川作
    97. Back to My Waterside Cottage
    98. 山居即事
    99. Rural Life
    100. 辋川闲居
    101. Leisurely Life by Riverside
    102. 春园即事
    103. Spring in My Garden
    104. 淇上田园即事
    105. My Garden by Riverside
    106. 晚春与严少尹与诸公见过
    107. For Vice-Prefect Yan and Others in Late Spring
    108. 过感化寺昙兴上人山院
    109. For Buddhist Tanxing in His Temple
    110. 郑果州相过
    111. On Governor Zheng’s Visit
    112. 送钱少府还蓝田
    113. Seeing Qian Qi Off to His Blue Field
    114. 送杨长史赴果州
    115. Seeing Prefect Yang Off to Guozhou
    116. 送邢桂州
    117. Seeing Commissioner Xing Off
    118. 凉州郊外游望
    119. A Rustic Scene on the Border
    120. 春日上方即事
    121. For a Buddhist in His Cell
    122. 登裴迪秀才小台
    123. On the Garden Terrace of Pei Di
    124. 千塔主人
    125. For a Hermit Under the Pagoda
    126. 少年行
    127. Song of Youngsters
    128. 九月九日忆山东兄弟
    129. Thinking of My Brothers on Mountain-Climbing Day
    130. 送元二使安西
    131. A Farewell Song
    132. 送沈子福之江东
    133. Seeing a Friend Off to the East
    134. 伊州歌
    135. Song of Lovesickness
    136. 戏题盘石
    137. Written at Random on a Rock
    138. 与卢员外象过崔处士兴宗林亭
    139. Cui’s Bower in the Forest
    140. 寒食汜上作
    141. Cold Food Day on River Si
    142. 秋夜曲
    143. Song of an Autumn Night
    144. 奉和圣制从蓬莱向兴庆阁道中留春雨中春望之作应制
    145. Written in the Same Rhymes as His Majesty’s Verse on a Spring Scene in Rain Written on His Way from the Fairy Palace to the Celebration Hall
    146. 和贾舍人早朝
    147. Reply to Jia Zhi’s Morning Levee
    148. 出塞作
    149. Out of the Frontier
    150. 春日与裴迪过新昌里访吕逸人不遇
    151. Visit to an Absent Hermit
    152. 积雨辋川庄作
    153. Rainy Days in My Riverside Hermitage
    154. 寒食城东即事
    155. Cold Food Day in the East of the Town
    156. 早秋山中作
    157. Written in the Mountain in Early Autumn
    158. 陇西行
    159. Song of the Frontier
    160. 送别
    161. At Parting
    162. 春夜竹亭赠钱少府归蓝田
    163. Written on a Spring Night in the Pavilion of Bamboo on Qian Qi’s Return to His Blue Field
    164. 答张五弟
    165. Reply to Cousin Zhang the Fifth
    166. 渭川田家
    167. Rural Scene by River Wei
    168. 奉寄韦太守陟
    169. For Governor Wei Zhi
    170. 秋夜独坐怀内弟崔兴宗
    171. Thinking of Cousin Cui on an Autumn Night
    172. 过李揖宅
    173. A Visit to Li Yi’s Cottage
    174. 送宇文太守赴宣城
    175. Seeing Governor Yuwen Off to Xuancheng
    176. 青溪
    177. The Blue Stream
    178. 送秘书晁监还日本国
    179. Seeing Secretary Chao Back to Japan
    180. 晓行巴峡
    181. Passing Through the Gorge in the Morning
    182. 西施咏
    183. Song of the Beauty of the West
    184. 田园乐
    185. Seven Idylls
    186. 田园乐
    187. Seven Idylls
    188. 田园乐
    189. Seven Idylls
    190. 田园乐
    191. Seven Idylls
    192. 田园乐
    193. even Idylls
    194. 田园乐
    195. Seven Idylls
    196. 陇头吟
    197. A Frontier Song
    198. 桃源行
    199. Song of Peach Blossom Land
  18. 许渊冲译白居易诗选:许渊冲英译作品:汉英对照
    1. 封面
    2. 信息
    3. 目录
    4. 致敬译界巨匠许渊冲先生
    5. 译序
    6. Translator’s Preface
    7. 赋得古原草送别
    8. Grass on the Ancient Plain
    9. 望月有感
    10. By the Light of the Moon
    11. 邯郸冬至夜思家
    12. Thinking of Home on Winter
    13. 长恨歌
    14. The Everlasting Regret
    15. 赠卖松者
    16. For the Seller of Dwarf Pines
    17. 上阳白发人
    18. The White-haired Palace Maid
    19. 卖炭翁
    20. The Old Charcoal Seller
    21. 同李十一醉忆元九
    22. Thinking of Yuan Zhen While Drinking with Li Eleventh
    23. 望驿台
    24. For Roaming Yuan Zhen
    25. 江楼月
    26. The Moon over the Riverside Tower
    27. 买花
    28. Buying Flowers
    29. 惜牡丹花
    30. The Last Look at the Peonies at Night
    31. 村夜
    32. One Night in the Village
    33. 欲与元八卜邻,先有是赠
    34. On Becoming Neighbor of Yuan Eighth
    35. 燕子楼
    36. The Pavilion of Swallows
    37. 燕子楼
    38. The Pavilion of Swallows
    39. 燕子楼
    40. The Pavilion of Swallows
    41. 花非花
    42. A Flower in the Haze
    43. 初贬官过望秦岭
    44. Passing by the Head-turning Peak in Banishment
    45. 蓝桥驿见元九诗
    46. Reading Yuan Zhen’s Poem at Blue Bridge Post
    47. 舟中读元九诗
    48. Reading Yuan Zhen’s Poems on a Boat
    49. 放言
    50. Written at Random
    51. 琵琶行
    52. Song of a Pipa Player
    53. 南浦别
    54. Farewell by Southern Riverside
    55. 大林寺桃花
    56. Peach Blossoms in the Temple of Great Forest
    57. 遗爱寺
    58. Temple of Dear Memories
    59. 问刘十九
    60. An Invitation
    61. 夜雪
    62. Snowing at Night
    63. 钟陵饯送
    64. Farewell Feast at Zhongling
    65. 李白墓
    66. Li Bai’s Grave
    67. 后宫词
    68. The Deserted
    69. 夜筝
    70. Lute Playing at Night
    71. 勤政楼西老柳
    72. The Old Willow Tree West of the Administrative Hall
    73. 暮江吟
    74. Sunset and Moonrise on the River
    75. 寒闺怨
    76. A Wife’s Grief in Autumn
    77. 钱塘湖春行
    78. On Lake Qiantang in Spring
    79. 春题湖上
    80. The Lake in Spring
    81. 西湖晚归回望孤山寺赠诸客
    82. Looking Back at the Lonely Hill
    83. 杭州春望
    84. Spring View in Hangzhou
    85. 别州民
    86. Farewell to the People of Hangzhou
    87. 白云泉
    88. White Cloud Fountain
    89. 秋雨夜眠
    90. Sleeping on a Rainy Autumn Night
    91. 与梦得沽酒闲饮且约后期
    92. Drinking Together with Liu Yuxi
    93. 览卢子蒙侍御旧诗,多与微之唱和,感今伤昔,因赠子蒙,题于卷后
    94. On Reading Lu Zimeng’s Old Poems Written
    95. 红鹦鹉
    96. The Red Cockatoo
    97. 昼卧
    98. Depression
    99. 病中
    100. Illness
    101. 杨柳枝词
    102. Song of Willow Branch
    103. 忆江南
    104. Fair South Recalled
    105. 长相思
    106. Everlasting Longing
  19. 许渊冲译李煜词选:汉文,英文
    1. 封面
    2. 信息
    3. 目录
    4. 致敬译界巨匠许渊冲先生
    5. 译序
    6. 渔父词
    7. A Fisherman’s Song
    8. 菩萨蛮
    9. Buddhist Dancers
    10. 阮郎归
    11. The Lover’s Return
    12. 采桑子
    13. Song of Picking Mulberries
    14. 清平乐
    15. Pure Serene Music
    16. 谢新恩
    17. Gratitude for New Bounties
    18. 采桑子
    19. Song of Picking Mulberries
    20. 菩萨蛮
    21. Buddhist Dancers
    22. 长相思
    23. Everlasting Longing
    24. 蝶恋花
    25. Butterflies in Love with Flowers
    26. 喜迁莺
    27. Migrant Orioles
    28. 捣练子
    29. Song of the Washerwoman
    30. 柳枝词
    31. Willow Branch Song
    32. 浣溪沙
    33. Silk-washing Stream
    34. 一斛珠
    35. A Casket of Pearls
    36. 玉楼春
    37. Spring in Jade Pavilion
    38. 菩萨蛮
    39. Buddhist Dancers
    40. 菩萨蛮
    41. Buddhist Dancers
    42. 谢新恩
    43. Gratitude for New Bounties
    44. 虞美人
    45. The Beautiful Lady Yu
    46. 临江仙
    47. Immortals at the River
    48. 破阵子
    49. Dance of the Cavalry
    50. 梦江南
    51. Dreaming of the South
    52. 子夜歌
    53. Midnight Song
    54. 虞美人
    55. The Beautiful Lady Yu
    56. 浪淘沙
    57. Ripple Sifting Sand
    58. 乌夜啼
    59. Crows Crying at Night
    60. 浪淘沙
    61. Ripples Sifting Sand
    62. 乌夜啼
    63. Crows Crying at Night
    64. 乌夜啼
    65. Crows Crying at Night
    66. 望江南
    67. Gazing on the South
    68. 捣练子
    69. Song of the Washerwoman
    70. 谢新恩
    71. Gratitude for New Bounties
    72. 临江仙
    73. Immortals at the River
    74. 谢新恩
    75. Gratitude for New Bounties
    76. 长相思
    77. Everlasting Longing
    78. 后庭花破子
    79. Flowers in the Backyard Broken Form
    80. 三台令
    81. Song of Three Terraces
    82. 开元乐
    83. Happy Times
    84. 浣溪沙
    85. Silk-washing Stream
    86. 应天长
    87. Endless as the Sky
    88. 望远行
    89. Gazing Afar
    90. 浣溪沙
    91. Silk-washing Stream
    92. 浣溪沙
    93. Silk-washing Stream
  20. 许渊冲译李商隐诗选:汉文、英文
    1. 封面
    2. 信息
    3. 目录
    4. 致敬译界巨匠许渊冲先生
    5. 译序
    6. 锦瑟
    7. The Sad Zither
    8. 重过圣女祠
    9. Passing Again the Temple of a Goddess
    10. 霜月
    11. Frost and Moon
    12. To the Cicada
    13. 赠刘司户蕡
    14. For an Exiled Friend
    15. 悼伤后赴东蜀辟至散关遇雪
    16. In Snow on the Frontier
    17. 乐游原
    18. On the Plain of Imperial Tombs
    19. 北齐
    20. The Downfall of Kingdom Qi
    21. 北齐
    22. The Downfall of Kingdom Qi
    23. 夜雨寄北
    24. Written on a Rainy Night to My Wife in the North
    25. 忆梅
    26. Mume Flowers Recalled
    27. 赠柳
    28. To the Willow Tree
    29. 宿骆氏亭寄怀崔雍崔衮
    30. For the Cui Brothers at Luo’s Pavilion
    31. 风雨
    32. Wind and Rain
    33. 梦泽
    34. The Dreaming Lake
    35. 寄令狐郎中
    36. For a Friend
    37. 哭刘蕡
    38. Elegy on Liu Fen
    39. 杜司勋(牧)
    40. For Du Mu
    41. 杜工部蜀中离席
    42. Would Du Fu not leave the Farewell Feast?
    43. 隋宫
    44. The Sui Palace
    45. 隋宫
    46. The Sui Palace
    47. 二月二日
    48. The Second Day of the Second Moon
    49. 筹笔驿
    50. The Premier’s Military Station
    51. 无题
    52. Unnamed
    53. 无题
    54. Unnamed
    55. 无题
    56. Unnamed
    57. 无题
    58. Unnamed
    59. 王十二兄与畏之员外相访见招小饮时予以悼亡日近不去因寄
    60. An Invitation Declined
    61. 落花
    62. Fallen Flowers
    63. To the Willow
    64. 为有
    65. A Nobleman’s Wife
    66. 无题
    67. Unnamed
    68. 碧城
    69. Green Rainbow Cloud
    70. 端居
    71. Homesickness
    72. 咏史
    73. On History
    74. 日射
    75. Loneliness
    76. 齐宫词
    77. Song of the Ancient Palace
    78. 十一月中旬至扶风界见梅花
    79. Mume Blossoms by the Roadside
    80. 汉宫词
    81. The Han Palace
    82. 马嵬
    83. On Lady Yang’s Death
    84. 马嵬
    85. On Lady Yang’s Death
    86. 富平少侯
    87. A Young Lord
    88. 离亭赋得折杨柳
    89. Breaking Willow Twigs at Parting
    90. 离亭赋得折杨柳
    91. Breaking Willow Twigs at Parting
    92. 宫妓
    93. Palace Dancers
    94. 宫辞
    95. A Palace Poem
    96. 代赠
    97. Lovesickness
    98. 楚吟
    99. The Southern King’s Tryst with the Mountain Goddess
    100. 瑶池
    101. The Pond of Jewels
    102. 韩冬郎即席为诗相送
    103. Written for Han Wo,Poet Prodigy
    104. 板桥晓别
    105. Parting at Morning on the Wooden Bridge
    106. 银河吹笙
    107. Playing on Flute in Sight of the Silver River
    108. 夕阳楼
    109. The Sunset Tower
    110. 春雨
    111. Spring Rain
    112. 楚宫
    113. To the Poet Drowned in the Southern Lake
    114. 晚晴
    115. A Sunny Evening after Rain
    116. 安定城楼
    117. On the Tower of the City Wall
    118. 天涯
    119. The End of the Sky
    120. 日日
    121. From Day to Day
    122. 龙池
    123. Dragon Pool Feast
    124. 流莺
    125. To the Roving Oriole
    126. 七月二十九日崇让宅宴作
    127. Written at a Family Feast on the 29th Day of the 7th Moon
    128. 吴宫
    129. The Eastern Palace
    130. 嫦娥
    131. To the Moon Goddess
    132. 忆住一师
    133. For the Priest of Western Peak
    134. 微雨
    135. A Slight Rain
    136. 细雨
    137. A Fine Rain
    138. 无题
    139. Untitled
    140. 无题
    141. Untitled
    142. 贾生
    143. A Bright Scholar
    144. 谒山
    145. On the Mountain
    146. 哭刘司户蕡
    147. Elegy on Liu Fen
    148. 凉思
    149. Autumn Thoughts
    150. 花下醉
    151. Intoxicated with Flowers
    152. 正月崇让宅
    153. Our Old Abode-Elegy on My Deceased Wife
    154. 骄儿诗
    155. Song of My Proud Son
  21. 许渊冲译陶渊明诗选:汉文,英文
    1. 封面
    2. 信息
    3. 目录
    4. 译序
    5. 时运 (四首其一)
    6. Spring Excursion (I)
    7. 时运 (四首其二)
    8. Spring Excursion (II)
    9. 时运 (四首其三)
    10. Spring Excursion (III)
    11. 时运 (四首其四)
    12. Spring Excursion (IV)
    13. 停云(四首其一)
    14. Hanging Clouds (I)
    15. 停云 (四首其二)
    16. Hanging Clouds (II)
    17. 停云 (四首其三)
    18. Hanging Clouds (III)
    19. 停云 (四首其四)
    20. Hanging Clouds (IV)
    21. 庚戌岁九月中于西田获早稻
    22. Early Crop in the West Field
    23. 癸卯岁始春怀古田舍 (二首其二)
    24. Farmwork (II)
    25. 游斜川
    26. A Trip to the Slanting Stream
    27. 怨诗楚调示庞主簿邓治中
    28. A Southern Complaint
    29. 答庞参军
    30. Reply to Pang
    31. 五月旦作和戴主簿
    32. Written on the 1st Day of the 5th Moon in the Same Rhymes as Secretary Dai
    33. 和刘柴桑
    34. In Reply to Liu Chaisang
    35. 酬刘柴桑
    36. Reply to Liu, Prefect of Chaisang
    37. 和郭主簿 (二首其一)
    38. In Reply to Secretary Guo (I. Summer)
    39. 和郭主簿 (二首其二)
    40. In Reply to Secretary Guo (II. Autumn)
    41. 癸卯岁十二月中作与从弟敬远
    42. For My Cousin Jingyuan
    43. 始作镇军参军经曲阿作
    44. On My River Journey
    45. 乙巳岁三月为建威参军使都经钱溪
    46. Qian Stream Revisited
    47. 归去来兮辞
    48. Home-Going-and-Coming Song
    49. 形影神 (三首其一:形赠影)
    50. Body, Shadow and Spirit (Body to Shadow)
    51. 形影神 (三首其二:影答形)
    52. Body, Shadow and Spirit (Shadow to Body)
    53. 形影神 (三首其三:神释)
    54. Body, Shadow and Spirit (Spirit)
    55. 九日闲居
    56. Written at Leisure on Double Ninth Day
    57. 归园田居 (五首其一)
    58. Return to Nature (I)
    59. 归园田居 (五首其二)
    60. Return to Nature (II)
    61. 归园田居 (五首其三)
    62. Return to Nature (III)
    63. 归园田居 (五首其四)
    64. Return to Nature (IV)
    65. 归园田居 (五首其五)
    66. Return to Nature (V)
    67. 乞食
    68. Begging for Food
    69. 连雨独饮
    70. Drinking Alone on Rainy Nights
    71. 移居 (二首其一)
    72. Moving House (I)
    73. 戊申岁六月中遇火
    74. My Cottage Caught Fire in Midsummer
    75. 饮酒 (二十首其一)
    76. Wine-drinking Song (I)
    77. 饮酒 (二十首其四)
    78. Wine-drinking Song (IV)
    79. 饮酒 (二十首其五)
    80. Wine-drinking Song (V)
    81. 饮酒 (二十首其七)
    82. Wine-drinking Song (VII)
    83. 饮酒 (二十首其八)
    84. Wine-drinking Song (VIII)
    85. 饮酒 (二十首其九)
    86. Wine-drinking Song (IX)
    87. 饮酒 (二十首其十)
    88. Wine-drinking Song (X)
    89. 饮酒 (二十首其十一)
    90. Wine-drinking Song (XI)
    91. 饮酒 (二十首其十三)
    92. Wine-drinking Song (XIII)
    93. 饮酒 (二十首其十四)
    94. Wine-drinking Song (XIV)
    95. 饮酒 (二十首其十六)
    96. Wine-drinking Song (XVI)
    97. 饮酒 (二十首其十七)
    98. Wine-drinking Song (XVII)
    99. 饮酒 (二十首其十九)
    100. Wine-drinking Song (XIX)
    101. 饮酒 (二十首其二十)
    102. Wine-drinking Song (XX)
    103. 止酒
    104. Abstinence
    105. 责子
    106. Blaming Sons
    107. 拟古 (九首其三)
    108. Old Styled Verse (III)
    109. 拟古 (九首其四)
    110. Old Styled Verse (IV)
    111. 拟古 (九首其七)
    112. Old Styled Verse (VII)
    113. 拟古 (九首其九)
    114. Old Styled Verse (IX)
    115. 杂诗 (八首其一)
    116. Miscellaneous Poems (I)
    117. 杂诗 (八首其二)
    118. Miscellaneous Poems (II)
    119. 杂诗 (八首其三)
    120. Miscellaneous Poems (III)
    121. 杂诗 (八首其四)
    122. Miscellaneous Poems (IV)
    123. 杂诗 (八首其五)
    124. Miscellaneous Poems (V)
    125. 杂诗 (八首其六)
    126. Miscellaneous Poems (VI)
    127. 杂诗 (八首其七)
    128. Miscellaneous Poems (VII)
    129. 杂诗 (八首其八)
    130. Miscellaneous Poems (VIII)
    131. 咏贫士 (七首其一)
    132. A Poor Scholar (I)
    133. 读《山海经》 (十三首其一)
    134. Reading The Book of Mountains and Seas (I)
    135. 拟挽歌辞 (三首其一)
    136. An Elegy for Myself (I)
  22. 许渊冲译桃花扇:汉文、英文
    1. 封面
    2. 信息
    3. 目录
    4. 致敬译界巨匠许渊冲先生
    5. 译序
    6. Translators’Preface
    7. 第一本 一见钟情结良缘 ACT I Beauty and Duty
      1. 第一出 访翠
      2. Scene 1 Visit to a Beauty
      3. 第二出 眠香
      4. Scene 2 Wedding Night
      5. 第三出 却奁
      6. Scene 3 Dowry Rejected
    8. 第二本 一封书信阻刀兵 ACT II Word and Sword
      1. 第一出 抚兵
      2. Scene 1 The Army
      3. 第二出 修札
      4. Scene 2 The Message
      5. 第三出 投辕[1]
      6. Scene 3 The Camp Gate
    9. 第三本 三罪阻立继位人 ACT III Crime and Succession
      1. 第一出 辞院
      2. Scene 1 Parting
      3. 第二出 哭主
      4. Scene 2 The Emperor’s Death
      5. 第三出 阻奸
      6. Scene 3 Succession to the Throne
    10. 第四本 三番两次逼香君 ACT IV Persecution on Persecution
      1. 第一出 拒媒
      2. Scene 1 Refusal
      3. 第二出 守楼
      4. Scene 2 Fragrant in Her Bower
      5. 第三出 寄扇
      6. Scene 3 The Fan
    11. 第五本 歌舞声中花泣血 ACT V Songs and Tears
      1. 第一出 骂筵
      2. Scene 1 The Banquet
      3. 第二出 选优
      4. Scene 2 Selection of Songstresses
      5. 第三出 题画
      6. Scene 3 Lee’s Bower Revisited
      7. 第四出 余韵
      8. Scene 4 Epilogue
  23. 许渊冲译牡丹亭:汉文、英文
    1. 封面
    2. 信息
    3. 目录
    4. 致敬译界巨匠许渊冲先生
    5. 译序
    6. Translators'Preface
    7. 第一本
      1. 第一出 标目
      2. Scene 1 Prelude
      3. 第二出 言怀
      4. Scene 2 Liu Dreamer of Mume Flower
      5. 第三出 训女
      6. Scene 3 Parental Admonition
      7. 第四出 腐叹
      8. Scene 4 A Scholar’s Complaint
      9. 第五出 延师
      10. Scene 5 The Tutor Selected
    8. 第二本
      1. 第一出 怅眺
      2. Scene 1 A Gloomy Outlook
      3. 第二出 闺塾
      4. Scene 2 Private Lesson
      5. 第三出 肃苑
      6. Scene 3 The Garden
      7. 第四出 惊梦
      8. Scene 4 An Enchanting Dream
    9. 第三本
      1. 第一出 慈戒
      2. Scene 1 Mother’s Admonition
      3. 第二出 寻梦
      4. Scene 2 The Dream Retraced
      5. 第三出 诀谒
      6. Scene 3 Departure
      7. 第四出 写真
      8. Scene 4 The Portrait
    10. 第四本
      1. 第一出 诘病
      2. Scene 1 An Inquiry
      3. 第二出 诊祟
      4. Scene 2 The Diognosis
      5. 第三出 闹殇
      6. Scene 3 Untimely Death
      7. 第四出 冥判
      8. Scene 4 The Infernal Judge
    11. 第五本
      1. 第一出 拾画
      2. Scene 1 The Portrait Discovered
      3. 第二出 玩真
      4. Scene 2 The Portrait Admired
      5. 第三出 魂游
      6. Scene 3 The Roving Soul
      7. 第四出 幽媾
      8. Scene 4 The Tryst
      9. 第五出 欢挠
      10. Scene 5 The Next Tryst
  24. 许渊冲译西厢记:汉文、英文
    1. 封面
    2. 信息
    3. 目录
    4. 致敬译界巨匠许渊冲先生
    5. 译序
    6. Translators’Preface
    7. 第一本 ACT I
      1. 第一折 惊艳
      2. Scene 1 Enchantment
      3. 第二折 借厢
      4. Scene 2 Renting of Q uarters
      5. 第三折 酬韵
      6. Scene 3 Verse Exchange
      7. 第四折 闹斋
      8. Scene 4 Religious Service
    8. 第二本 ACT II
      1. 第一折 寺警
      2. Scene 1 Alarm
      3. 第二折 请宴
      4. Scene 2 Invitation
      5. 第三折 赖婚
      6. Scene 3 The Promise Broken
      7. 第四折 琴心
      8. Scene 4 The Lute
    9. 第三本 ACT III
      1. 第一折 前候
      2. Scene 1 First Expectation
      3. 第二折 闹简
      4. Scene 2 The Billet-Doux
      5. 第三折 赖简
      6. Scene 3 Repudiation
      7. 第四折 后候
      8. Scene 4 Further Expectation
    10. 第四本 ACT IV
      1. 第一折 酬简
      2. Scene 1 Tryst
      3. 第二折 拷艳
      4. Scene 2 Rose in The Dock
      5. 第三折 哭宴
      6. Scene 3 Farewell Feast
      7. 第四折 惊梦
      8. Scene 4 Dreams
    11. 第五本 ACT V
      1. 第一折 捷报
      2. Scene 1 Report of Success
      3. 第二折 猜寄
      4. Scene 2 Guess
      5. 第三折 争艳
      6. Scene 3 Contest for the Beauty
      7. 第四折 团圆
      8. Scene 4 Union
  25. 许渊冲译长生殿:汉文、英文
    1. 封面
    2. 信息
    3. 目录
    4. 致敬译界巨匠许渊冲先生
    5. 译序
    6. Translators' Preface
    7. 第一本 ACT I
      1. 第一出 传概
      2. Scene1 Prologue
      3. 第二出 定情
      4. Scene 2 The Pledge
      5. 第三出 贿权
      6. Scene3 The Bribe
      7. 第四出 春睡
      8. Scene4 Spring Siesta
      9. 第五出 禊游
      10. Scene5 Spring Excursion
    8. 第二本 ACT II
      1. 第一出 傍讶
      2. Scene 1 The Mystery
      3. 第二出 幸恩
      4. Scene 2 Rivalry
      5. 第三出 献发
      6. Scene 3 A Lock of Hair
      7. 第四出 复召
      8. Scene 4 The Recall
      9. 第五出 疑谶
      10. Scene5 Prediction
    9. 第三本 ACT III
      1. 第一出 闻乐
      2. Scene 1 Dream Music
      3. 第二出 制谱
      4. Scene2 Recording the Music
      5. 第三出 权哄
      6. Scene 3 The Dispute
      7. 第四出 偷曲
      8. Scene4 Stealing the Music
      9. 第五出 进果
      10. Scene 5 The Feast
      11. 第六出 舞盘
      12. Scene6 The Round Dance
    10. 第四本 ACT IV
      1. 第一出 合围
      2. Scene 1 The Hunt
      3. 第二出 夜怨
      4. Scene 2 A Night of Grief
      5. 第三出 絮阁
      6. Scene3 A Visit to the Emerald Bower
      7. 第四出 侦报
      8. Scene4 The Scout's Report
      9. 第五出 窥浴
      10. Scene5 The Bath
      11. 第六出 密誓
      12. Scene6 The Secret Vow
    11. 第五本 ACT V
      1. 第一出 陷关
      2. Scene 1 The Fall of the Pass
      3. 第二出 惊变
      4. Scene 2 The Alarm
      5. 第三出 埋玉
      6. Scene3 Death of Lady Yang