

大科普战略内涵与实施研究 Thoughts on Popularization of Science and Future Development of ChinaYANG Yuliang (Science Popularization and Education Committee, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China) Abstract Science is a great cause for human beings to pursue truth. Popularization of science is an important basic work for achieving innovative development. Throughout the history of scientific development, human beings have realized the opening and sharing of knowledge system, the application and promotion of production technology, the inheritance and development of scientific culture, and the enlightenment and education of civilization and rationality through scientific popularization. This study analyzes the role and value of science popularization, and points out that science popularization is conducive to promoting the benign interaction between science and technology and society, improving the efficiency of science and technology governance, improving citizens' scientific literacy, ensuring citizens' exercise of scientific and cultural rights, and strengthening the construction of innovation system and innovation culture. Then, focusing on the background that China will vigorously promote Chinese path to modernization in the future, it points out that scientific popularization will make great achievements in talent training, innovative development, social governance, opening up and other aspects. Integrating science and culture into national culture and the spirit of the times through science popularization will help to achieve self-reliance in high level science and technology. Finally, it highlights the responsibility and mission of scientific and technological workers in popularizing science for the benefit of the people, strengthening the platforms for science communication, adhering to the value orientation of science and technology for good, advancing the development of open science, and enhancing international exchange and cooperation in science popularizatio......

  1. 信息
  2. 本期文章
  3. 中国科学院物理研究所严济慈超导量子计算攻关突击队:面向国家重大需求,抢占量子科技高地
  4. “建设世界科技强国”专刊 编者按
  5. 中国特色世界一流大学建设是教育、科技、人才一体化部署的有效实践——以中国科学技术大学为例
  6. 服务国家战略需求 培养拔尖创新人才——中国科学院大学科教融合办学的制度逻辑与发展实践
  7. 深化科教融合,培养未来科技领军人才
  8. 创新型研究型大学新在何处?——以上海科技大学的实践探索为例
  9. 国家有组织科研:迎接世界三大中心转移的中国创新生态系统探讨
  10. “大科普战略内涵与实施研究”专题 序言
  11. 关于科学普及与中国未来发展的思考
  12. 刍议科普现代化的本质特征与建构路径
  13. 大科普战略背景下院士群体科普实践的思考与建议
  14. 加强国家科普能力建设,服务新时代国家战略需求
  15. 关于实施大科普战略的法治保障研究
  16. 加强基础研究夯实科技自立自强根基
  17. 关于科技创新赋能我国产业高质量发展的若干思考
  18. 关于信息技术驱动未来产业的若干思考
  19. 新时代创新人才成长路径及所需环境
  20. 新任命的中国科学院副院长、党组成员汪克强简介
  21. 新任命的中国科学院副院长、党组成员常进简介
  22. 快讯:《中国科学院院刊》第七届编委会第二次会议暨第一届青委会第二次会议成功召开